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What is happening to me?

Mon, April 01, 2019 7:40 PM

Hi all, I'm sure I don't have Crohn's... IBS sporadically, but it doesn't explain my symptoms. I'm posting this on here as it's the only GI related forum I could find, and hope somebody may have some guidance for me from their experiences. The long and short of it is that I experience severe symptoms about 20-40 minutes after eating. These symptoms last for about 6-8 hours and are as follows - Terrible palpitations and fast+irregular heartbeat Fatigue, sometimes debilitatingly so Loss of breath/difficulty breathing Moderate to severe brain fog, including confusion The combination of these makes my body feel as though it is about to shut down, and if I am in a social situation during this period, I ride the fine line of managing and feeling as though I'm about to collapse. These symptoms led me to a GP who referred me for the full run of heart tests, including a cardiac MRI, holter monitor, stress ECG, echocardiogram etc. On returning to the GP, I was told my symptoms are due to that old scapegoat 'anxiety'. I cannot stress enough how wrong this is - I feel fantastic when I haven't eaten, and eating itself is just as pleasurable as ever, but as soon as digestion begins, so do the plethora of issues above. The doctor told me there is no 'heart/stomach' link, at which point I disregarded them as a professional as I know that's not true, although it doesn't explain WHY? I've tried a variety of diets, and one thing I've learnt is that the type of food makes no difference, only the volume consumed. Generally about 100 ccs or more will trigger a large attack, but even something simple like an apple eaten at the wrong time can bring on a string of heart rhythm issues. Does anybody else have any answers or any ideas at all what the hell's going on here, as I'm nearly at my wit's end. Eating is something we do to fuel our bodies and feel better, but it feels like it's killing me every time I do it. It's a terrible thing. Thank you in advance for any help or pointers you can give me. Jack

FPO Javi88
Joined Apr 1, 2019

Thu, April 11, 2019 9:49 AM

Reply posted for Javi88.

First of all, I am sorry you are going through all of that!  I think you really need to see a GI doctor.  Your symptoms remind me of what is called, in the gastric bypass surgery community, "dumping syndrome".  Of course, I don't know if what you are experiencing is that at all, but having had GBS in 2005, and now having CD, your symptoms just sound similar to dumping syndrome.  I haven't heard of other people having it, but it may be possible.  Basically, because of the re-routing of the intestines from the gastric bypass surgery, food is entering your small intestines too quickly. in some people it occurs between 10-30 minutes after eating, in others up to 1-3 hours after eating.  This tends to occur especially after eating foods that are higher in sugar or that are broken down into sugars more quickly (triggers the release of insulin).  If it is occurring quickly, some of the symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, flushing, dizziness, lightheadedness, rapid heart beat.  If it is occurring later after eating, some of the symptoms may include sweating, flushing, weakness, rapid heart rate, dizziness, lightheadedness (  

This website recommends that you see a doctor, especially if you are having these symptoms and have not had gastric/intestinal surgery.  The website also has other information about tests that might be done.

I hope that this information helps, and that you continue to pursue answers to your problem.  

FPO crisanderson
Joined Apr 5, 2019

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