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Smelly Stool : Problem Solved

Mon, October 01, 2018 4:59 PM

Hi everyone,

I totally understand bowel movements are not supposed to smell like flowers. I must say it is incredibly embarrassing to use public restrooms, share bathrooms with your family or go to the bathroom at your lovers house when you need to move your bowels. I always felt so embarassed after using the bathroom. I tried Poo Poouri and Unicorn Gold. Those did not work for me at all. LOL. I feel IBD patients have more pungent smelling stools do to the fact our food is not being absorbed correctly on the intestines. Flare-ups can definitely make the odor worse especiallly when there is blood circulating in the toilet.

Anyway let me get to the point. Today I went to the gas station to wash my car. I saw a little bottle of spray called "Scent Bomb." I wondered if this could eliminate the smell of my BM's in the bathroom. Well it worked! I am so ridiculously happy. You guys should definitely look into it. I bought the Hawaiian Blue scent-it's fatastic. I am going to keep asking my other family members what they thing when I finish using the restroom while using the spray. LOL. I find this to be silly, but I think a lot of us have a lot of anxiety relating to the odors of our BMs. 

I hope this was helpful. Drop a comment. I would love to hear what you guys do to eliminate odors in your bathroom.



FPO mercy7889
Joined Oct 1, 2018

Thu, November 08, 2018 5:49 PM

Reply posted for mercy7889.

Hey there!

My husband has purchased numerous products that are supposed to hide the scent when you go number 2.

I have to say I hate all of them, for mainly two reasons.

- When I have to go...I have to GO.  These sprays are meant to be sprayed prior to going number 2, I don't have time for that! 

- I also have severe allergies and asthma, so the thought of spraying this obnoxiously pungent spray into the toilet before sitting down makes me itchy and want to sneeze!

I have Crohn's disease, it stinks...literally and figuratively but that's just the way it is. 
Smelly bathroom visits are the least of my worries. 

I always keep a box of matches behind the toilet, I'll light one or two prior to leaving the bathroom if I know hubby will need it next. 


FPO nicolieolie90
Joined Nov 8, 2018

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