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No longer in remission - pregnancy delayed.

Mon, November 26, 2018 8:58 PM


I'm very new to this, but someone told me that it might help. Long story short, I was diagnosed with Chron's in 2012. I quickly went into remission, but it's been active again for at least the last 6 months. I just started Entyvio infusions, and will get rechecked for healing in a year. If it's still active, we will switch to Remicade.

I guess the reason I'm posting is because all of this happened around the time that I removed my IUD because my husband and I were gearing up to try to have children. But my doctor told me that until there is mucosal healing, pregnancy could be fatal to the baby and me, so we're not allowed to try. I just turned 32 and am having a hard time not knowing what's going to happen next. Will it be healed and we can try when I'm 33? Will we have to wait another year? Not to mention that the side effects are causing me lots of problems. I hope as the infusions get more and more spaced out, my body will adjust to the meds.

The worst part right now is the unknown. I'm incredibly type A, more along the lines of Type A multiplied by infinity. I'm all open to other forms of having a family. But I just want to know!!!

FPO sillgate
Joined Dec 4, 2012

Sun, December 09, 2018 3:11 PM

Reply posted for sillgate.

I am in the same boat. I am on my last pregancy safe maintence drug and I flared. I spoke to an OB about my current meds, chances of getting pregnant, what would happen if I flared during pregnancy, etc. She did not mention that conceiving during a flare will be fatal, but if you do, you will most likely be in a flare during the pregnancy. Conceiving during flares is asscoicated with low birth weight and premature delivery.

FPO jessimarie3
Joined Apr 10, 2017

Tue, November 27, 2018 5:39 PM

Reply posted for sillgate.

I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm in the same boat, if it makes you feel any better. To add to it, my husband and I both have IBD. I'm newly diagnosed and in the process of escalating treatment and haven't reached remission. 

Is there a high risk OB in your area that you could reach out to? That could be a good place to start. When I asked about pregnancy, they said it is definitely safe and possible, and that I would be monitored by the high risk OB at our academic hospital. 

FPO AnnieB123
Joined Nov 27, 2018

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