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Humira and Pregnancy

Tue, May 28, 2019 3:28 PM

I am currently taking Humira, and it has been helping me so much with my Crohns Disease! I have noticed a huge improvement. I found out I was pregnant a few weeks ago, and my OBGYN told me I needed to stop taking Humira right away. I was surprised by this because my GI doctor chose Humira for me specifically because he knew I was trying to get pregnant, and this was a safe choice. 

I followed up with my GI and he said he was going to talk to my OBGYN. He wanted me to hold off until he got in touch with her. So far, they have not been able to connect. I have missed a dose now, and the GI just told me to take the dose I missed. I am worried that this is unsafe. I have looked online and have done some research. I'm curious if anyone else has taken Humira while preganant. Did your OBGYN go through Pro's and Con's? Mine does not seem to be very familar with IBD and prgnancy. She has only had a few cases. Should I look for an OBGYN that has more experience with IBD?

FPO cdbonilla
Joined May 28, 2019

Sun, December 15, 2019 8:22 PM

Reply posted for cdbonilla.

I took humira throughout pregnancy, stopping a few weeks before my children were due.  I have two healthy children who are 7 and 10.  

FPO rgauna81
Joined Dec 15, 2019

Tue, June 11, 2019 3:55 PM

Reply posted for cdbonilla.

Hello! Thank you for your post. If you may need information about IBD and pregnancy, it may be helpful to start with our fact sheet: . The IBD Parenthood Project is another helpful resource: . If you may need more detailed information about IBD, pregnancy, and medication please e-mail the IBD Help Center at .

FPO administrator
Joined Oct 12, 2017

Mon, June 10, 2019 6:00 AM

Reply posted for cdbonilla.


i just had my daughter 7 weeks ago and I stayed on Humira for my entire pregnancy. My GI, who is the head of the IBD clinic at a local teaching hospital, specializes in IBD and pregnancy and said that research shows that Humira is perfectly safe during pregnancy. It’s actually much safer to stay on your current meds than to risk flaring, as a flare would be riskier to the pregnancy and the baby. My OB was completely okay with it m, as it’s a category B drug and he said that’s the best rating that any drug will get at this point because it’s unethical to actually conduct research studies on pregnant women to definitively state the drug is 100% safe for pregnancy. 

My daughter is perfect. No issues at all from being on Humira. I’m breastfeeding as well and there have been no issues in that regard either. My OB, GI and pediatrician are all okay with breastfeeding on biologics because current research shows that the molecule is too large to pass into breastmilk. 

Sometimes OBs are too cautious, especially if they’re not that familiar with the medication. It’s his/her job though to research and provide the best guidance/info to you. The currently available data/research overwhelmingly supports the use of biologics during pregnancy. 

Good luck! I hope you have a healthy and smooth pregnancy. 

FPO Crispix73
Joined Jun 10, 2019

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