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Weight Gain

Sat, October 12, 2019 10:15 PM

Lately I feel anything but pretty. Seven years ago, I was diagnosed Crohns disease. After a year of being super ill while getting no answers, I lost about 100bls. After trying a few different drugs, my body started responding positively to Entiyvo. Depression has always had its claws in me as well. I have been on anti-depressants but had to increase the dosage of that after being diagnosed.   After being in remission now, weight gain is setting in. I have cut on carbs a lot, meal replacement shakes for breakfast and lunch. Not eating after 8:30 pm. I am trying hard. I also have no energy. I have been getting 7 and half to 8 hours asleep at night and trying vitamins. Nothing is working. Is anyone else having a hard time with this? If so, what are you doing?

FPO aprilann329
Joined Oct 12, 2019

Fri, January 10, 2020 11:11 AM

Reply posted for LeslieCanadian.

Thank you so much for the feedback will try it out eating properly and doing alot of exercise.

FPO keithjohnson305
Joined Jan 7, 2020

Mon, December 09, 2019 1:41 AM

Reply posted for Bohonerd.

Hay there, that’s a great question. There are actually many ways to gain weight. I fount a video on YouTube that explains a few simple ways on how to gain weight.
I’ve tried many different ways to cure this. Here’s a link to a video that gives some great tips.
Click on that link above and ones you land on the page, click where it says  “I am not robot” and then you will be redirected to the YouTube video that shows how to cure weight gain. 

FPO Laksh
Joined Dec 5, 2019

Mon, December 09, 2019 1:40 AM

Reply posted for aprilann329.

Hay there, that’s a great question. There are actually many ways to gain weight. I fount a video on YouTube that explains a few simple ways on how to gain weight.
I’ve tried many different ways to cure this. Here’s a link to a video that gives some great tips.
Click on that link above and ones you land on the page, click where it says  “I am not robot” and then you will be redirected to the YouTube video that shows how to cure weight gain. 

FPO Laksh
Joined Dec 5, 2019

Fri, December 06, 2019 6:54 PM

Reply posted for aprilann329.

intermittent fasting got me out of this very similar slump.  I stop eating at 8pm and have no calories unitl noon each day.  It works well for lowering inflammation too.  Cut out sugar, alcohol, dairy, and wheat.  Just try it for two or three weeks. you will feel like crap for three days to a week, and then feel great and keep off the weight

FPO LeslieCanadian
Joined Dec 6, 2019

Fri, October 18, 2019 3:27 AM

Reply posted for aprilann329.

Hey there! I am struggling with this atm too. Prior to getting sick I was very fit and in shape. I lost it all in the blink of an eye and dropped too much weight. Now I have gained a lot of weight slowly losing it again. Best thing to do is low carb high protein diet. Now we have to be careful since we are limited in foods but chicken is always my go to I dont do rice or potatoes they make me react but now that im in remission I can eat bell peppers and green beans oh and carrots great source of carbs. Also I eat eggs hard boiled as a snack and do a gluten free protein shake vanilla because chocolate makes me sick. I also eat gluten free oatmeal it seems to settle okay for breakfast. Another snack idea is 1TBS of peanut butter and banana. Great source of fat and protein with a light carb. Gluten free protein pumpkin muffins are great too a great complex carb with protein powder mixed in. All of these seem to help while in remission. Also having a solid exercise plan is VERY beneficial. circuit training, weight training, body weight training are all pluses. I am slowly getting back into weight training I hope in a year I will see some progress. Oh major one sounds silly but meditation and yoga are a must! It helps clear your mind and keeps the stress levels low idk about you but stress is a HUGE trigger. Hope this helps

FPO Bohonerd
Joined Oct 17, 2019

Mon, October 14, 2019 4:53 AM

Reply posted for aprilann329.

Do regular exercise and take proper diet.

FPO FrankGambrell
Joined May 14, 2019

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