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I know I have a bowel disease and doctors will not help me.

Thu, November 28, 2019 3:35 PM

Its Thanksgiving and here I sit alone like always. Suffering with a condition that I know almost certainly is ulcerative colitis. I have been to several doctors only to be treated badly as I am poor and have no health insurance. I feel that I have been sent to quacks and incompetent gastroenterologist. Ive had a colonoscopy at which point he removed several polyps but unfortunately this only made my issues much worse. Ive been to several doctors and emergency rooms. My last visit to the er was in the least but productive as all he did was stuck his finger in my butt and said I didnt have hemorrhoids. Well no shit, thanks. But then he says to me at least you have proof that youre bleeding now. As if my word wasnt enough and these past years of going to doctors trying to find help had been all for fun. This disease is ruining my life. It got to a point where my friend and family thought I was making it all up. I was called an "attention seeker" by my sister during one of my worst flares. Ive been treated badly, lost jobs and subsequently was kicked out by my sister from whom I was renting from. Then I was forced to move in with an alcoholic and the stress of this only made it worse. Again Im having to move. My life is hell. No one believes me and the doctors wont help. Im helpless when I see all the blood. You read sites that say see your doctor immediately when these symptoms occur, all of which I have. But they dont care. They dont see all the blood, feel the pain in the rectum like youre being stabbed in the butthole, they dont feel the joint pain. The gastroenterologist was so ignorant he told me joint pain was nothing to do with it. I feel like its affecting my hormones too. It tends to flare up every month for about two weeks before my period. So its like I have a period out of my butt then another. I dont want to live like this. I have no one that understands. Please help.

FPO joisenhower
Joined Nov 28, 2019

Fri, December 06, 2019 6:53 PM

Reply posted for joisenhower.

took many years for DR to take me seriously.  
Keep going to different drs until you get one who hears you.  keep looking until you find the answer.  In the meantime I reccomend the SCD diet, probiotics, marshmellow root, and take some liquid iron for your blood loss.  Try naturopathic drs and functional medicine drs too.  never stop looking, and dont ever give up. your symptoms are not normal and they are not in your head, keep going unti you get the help you need, and you will!

FPO LeslieCanadian
Joined Dec 6, 2019

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