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My success story

Tue, December 11, 2018 11:12 AM

Hi everyone,

I’m new to this forum but wanted to share my story as i thought that someone might benefit from this: 

In 2014 i was diagnosed with severe Crohn’s disease, i got admitted to hospital countless times in one year, with heavy amounts of prednisone, morphine and other drugs. I tried Humira which didn’t work and in the end infliximab did the job so i went for treatment every 6 weeks for the last three years. 

When i got into remission i gained 27 kg from the prednisone and didn’t recognize myself in the mirror. I decided to act upon it so i went on a low carb diet, tested for food intolerances and hitting the gym 5 times a week. I lost the 27 kg in 4 months.

My continuing diet and exercise routine have helped me stay in remission and able to experience a somewhat normal life, except that my energy levels were always low. For almost a year i’ve been wanting to quit the infliximab because i strongly believe that the side effects of muting your immune system are harmful long term. I started reading Jeff Bowles’ book about how D3 deficiency is at the base of every disease and have been taking it in combination with K2 for two months now and have never felt better. 

I went to my doctor 2 weeks ago and he told me i was in full remission! I no longer have to take any medication, a rare occurrence since people are hardly ever taken of medication. I know Crohn’s is supposed to be chronic and incurable, but i consider myself cured for now.

FPO EsmeeC95
Joined Dec 11, 2018

Tue, December 18, 2018 8:41 PM

Reply posted for andrew 2012.

I have been off of Remicaid  since 2013 after having terrible fatigue and my liver enzymes being about tripple what they should be. I have had no flair ups, have more energy --I am considered to have no present signs of disease but was also never given a true diagnosis . My most recent colonoscopy showed some ulceration in my apendix region, but previously there was no inflammation or anything for 2 years. Some foods do cause me pain but only if they are very high in fiber.
I am going to look into these supplements to see if they help my energy level. 

FPO ieatmnms
Joined Dec 18, 2018

Tue, December 11, 2018 4:52 PM

Reply posted for andrew 2012.

I would strongly warn you about quiting your medication. I attepted to do so also because I felt exactly like you, bloodwork was fine and I showed no symptoms. I tried taking myself off pentasa, and manage through a better diet and exercise, but I paid the price of not taking my medication. I ended up in a flare for almost a year, and after switching to Remicade, it has given me my life back. Also, sadly, there is no current cure for Crohn's, only remission. Hopefully someday in the future there will be a cure to this nasty disease. I hope things continue to get better for you.

FPO andrew 2012
Joined Dec 13, 2018

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