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nutrition ulcerative colitis

Mon, September 02, 2019 2:35 PM

Hi! I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. Right now I have strugles with my diet.
¿Is there an specific diet I have to follow in order to reduce the flares?
When can I take vitamin suplements? Vitamins pills can cause inflamation in my colon? should I take probiotics pills?
I really apreciatte your comments. Thanks!

FPO gandy124
Joined Sep 2, 2019

Sat, February 12, 2022 8:08 PM

Reply posted for gandy124.

The AIP is an elimination/reintroduction diet, which essentiallly means that you eliminate everthing from your diet except the essentials, which end up being meats, frutis, and veggies (with the exception of nightshades).

FPO incremental1990
Joined Feb 12, 2022

Sat, April 10, 2021 12:58 AM

Reply posted for Felipeaynes.

Nutrition ulcerative colitis, The points are unclear still, If any one have the complete essay writer service the information then they have the ability to come and also have the power to take some things according to only those points which bring nutritions for only you.

FPO Felipeaynes
Joined Apr 10, 2021

Fri, February 14, 2020 3:56 PM

Reply posted for gandy124.

Gandy, I also wanted to mention that if you can't digest pills, these are all natural so you can break them open into a drink/smoothie - they also have drink based mood, hydration and energy.  Simple packs to drop in your pocket when you need a lift xo

Joined Feb 14, 2020

Fri, February 14, 2020 3:52 PM

Reply posted for gandy124.

Gandy, I take something called Core, it's a rapid delivery system that is gluten free, dairy free, non gmo and vegan.  Packed with Vitamins - I have an ileostomy and was diagnosed with Crohns in 2005.  I know how it is to be afraid to eat - and not to get your supplements efficiently.  This is liposomal delivery, micro particles - easier digestion :)  best of luck i hope you feel better soon. xo

Joined Feb 14, 2020

Sat, December 14, 2019 12:04 PM

Reply posted for gandy124.

I tried everything under the sun as far as diet and nothing worked until I adopted a whole foods plant based diet (no animal products, no processed foods, no alcohol or coffee).  Not only my Crohn's disease symptoms disappeared within a few weeks but my psoriatic arthritis also went away. My blood pressure dropped from 130/90 to 110/65, total cholesterol from 235 to 175 etc.  There is increasing evidence that animal foods introduce harmful bacteria in the gut (competing with good bacteria from plants). I had to be on a gluten free diet most of my life but I now eat whole wheat in moderation without any problems.  I changed my diet after watching "Forks over Knives" and it was life changing. I was skeptical at first so I decided to run the experiment on myself and had a blood test after 8 weeks. The results were amazing all around and I will never go back! 

FPO Manatee
Joined Dec 14, 2019

Thu, September 12, 2019 12:08 PM

Reply posted for gandy124.

Hey Gandy124!

Unfortunately, every case of IBD is different, so there isn't one specific diet that works for everyone, but there are a few you culd try to at least figure out what your trigger foods might be!

One is called SCD, or specific carb diet. It goes along with a book called "Breaking the Viscious Cycle" I don't knwo  much about it specifcally, but here's a link to the website if you wanted to do more research on it:

he other diet that a lot of people with autoimmune dieases have found success with is called the AIP diet, or Autoimmune Paleo. If you're familiar with the regular paleo diet, it's similar, except that it also eliminates foods that trigger autoimmune symtpoms. The AIP is an elimination/reintroduction diet, which essentiallly means that you eliminate everthing from your diet except the essentials, which end up being meats, frutis, and veggies (with the exception of nightshades). After you've been on this basic diet for about a month and your body has been able to reset, you start reintroducing foods one at a time to figure out which foods your body can handle and which ones end up being triggers. Here's alink for more information:

If you don't know what your triggers foods are, i think either diet is a really good way to figure out what your body can handle and what it can't. But like i said, it's going to be different for everyone. Some people can take away certain foods and never experience symptms again and others can try every diet in the book and it just ends up being that their symtpoms are not diet-based. But don't let this discourage you! i think the best thing to do is to discipline yourslef and try one of these diets so you can figure out for sure what your body needs from you to be well :)

FPO KRiegel
Joined Feb 4, 2019

Fri, September 06, 2019 6:11 AM

Reply posted for gandy124.

I cant take pills due to UC so i take powder of Iron and vitamin which i can handle it.

Joined Aug 25, 2019

Thu, September 05, 2019 2:15 AM

Reply posted for gandy124.

Hi I'm the same docs just want me to take meds that's it :(

FPO mixy11
Joined Nov 5, 2018

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