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Hair Loss and Nutrition

Wed, November 06, 2019 2:56 AM

You lose hair daily and the lost ones are replaced by new ones. This is our hair’s life cycle. Therefore, there is no need to worry and stress about.

¾ of all men encounter with hair loss before they are 35.
Nowadays, there are several treatment methods for hair loss. PRP hair treatment, topical lotions, mesotherapy are some of these. On the other hand, hair transplant operations, which our country is worldwide famous about, is the final destination for the ones looking for a permanent result.

Then, what should men with hair loss be doing?
Even though the answer differs person to person; making small changes on our diet will help us to our general health as well as hair health. At the end, a healthy mind is in a healthy body.

Vitamin A
Vitamin A has several benefits for our body, and its benefits for hair are:
Vitamin A is essential for cell and tissue growth and health. It is also good for our hair and head.
Our body can compensate Vitamin A need through vegetables and animal products.
Red, yellow, and orange fruits and vegetables are good source for Vitamin A. Dark green leafy veggies also include Vitamin A.
Liver, fish oil, egg and pasteurized milk are the main source animal products for Vitamin A.

Vitamin B6, Folic-acid, Vitamin B12
Our hair needs oxygen. Our body needs these three Vitamins B in order to transfer oxygen from lungs to tissues for generating hemoglobin.
Having healthy and strong hair is only possible through regular oxygen and blood circulation.
Vitamin B deficiency is not different from cutting oxygen and blood supply for hair. As a result, hair starts to get thinner, lose, and growth impairment.
Foods rich by Vitamin B6 – B12 are; beef, chicken, fish, egg, and soy bean. The best foods for folic-acid are; leafy vegetables, orange juice, avocado, and broccoli.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C is important for collagen generation. Since human body cannot store Vitamin C for long periods, we need to consume foods include Vitamin C. Foods include Vitamin C are; orange, cantaloupe, pepper, dark leafy vegetables.

Zinc deficiency causes hair loss and dandruff. Zinc helps to regenerate cells and tissues among with regeneration of fat glands for hair follicles. burun estetigi
The foods source for zinc are; seafood, poultry, clams, shrimp, oysters, whole grains, nuts, and legumes.

Regular hydration is essential for our general and hair health. Our body uses water in every single process; therefore we should not only wash our hair regularly, we should also drink a lot of water.

FPO fbacker
Joined Oct 2, 2019

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