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New crohn's fighter

Wed, March 14, 2018 9:24 PM


I have been recently diagnosed with crohn's, I am having a really hard time. last Wednesday I went to ER because of diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea and rectal bleeding so this gave me some pills and sent me home. the next day my doctor started me on pentasa, prednisone and ranitidine I started taking them on Saturday. The weird thing is since last Wednesday I didn't have a bowel movement, that's a week now, I tried Miralax, liquid diet for two days, citrucel fiber pills but nothing worked. I went to the ER they did X-ray and said no bowel obstruction and told me to eat and keep taking miralax, my temp was high 99.9 and I do feel full that it's getting to the point I feel I can't take a breath but the abdominal pain comes and goes. I also have been experiencing night sweats lately. I am also worried because my lab works showed abnormal liver functions.

Anyone can help me with knowing what's going on and what should I tell my doctor in my follow up tomorrow?? 

FPO Syoussef
Joined Mar 14, 2018

Sat, April 14, 2018 1:30 AM

Reply posted for Syoussef.

I am also newly diagnosed with CD. I have my good days & my bad days.
My “good days” are any days where I don’t have (what I like to call) emergency bathroom episodes.
My bad days consist of anywhere from 1 to 3 emergency bathroom episodes, and shooting pain in my rectum throughout the day.
I tried the azrithoprine (sp?) pills for 3 days, and developed major, my doctor prescribed Humira 40mg pens (which he tried to prescribe in the first place, but my insurance was being difficult). So, naturally, I have s few questions:
when will the shooting pain episodes cease? Will I ever not have my emergency episodes, or is that something that goes away when remission happens? Am I supposed to be tired all the time? Is there any way that I can give my injections without bruising myself?
I’m sure I can think of more questions, but for now, I think the few I’ve posted is a good start.

Thanks, in advance, for the support!

FPO SherBear1983
Joined Apr 14, 2018

Thu, April 12, 2018 8:35 PM

Reply posted for Syoussef.

Hi, I am new to this site and just saw your post. Did they ever give you a CT scan w contrast? When I first had abdominal trouble, the ER doc gave me an x ray too, but they won't show what's really going on. I hope you're doing well. This is just something I wish I would've known to ask for. Best wishes!

FPO swagenman
Joined Apr 12, 2018

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