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Crohn's Disease - Still a Maybe for Me

Tue, October 23, 2018 11:16 AM

Hi!  I have been struggling with fatigue, weight loss, and diarrhea for the past several years.  After going to my doctor for 3 years trying to convince him that something isn't right I landed in the hospital for a few days with severe pain and rapid weight loss.  Doctos seemed to be baffled by my on again/off again symptoms.  I could be fine for a month then have symptoms for 2 weeks then fine again.  My doctor finally referred me to a specialist for a colonoscopy.  My colonoscopy showed mild inflamation of the small intestine and he ordered bloodwork to back up the results.

The colonoscpy results points to crohns disease but the bloodwork seems to be fine with no C-Reactive Protien markers.   Has anyone out there had mild inflamation results from a colonoscopy but didn't have anything show up on their bloodwork?

My father has Sjogrens Disease and my sister has Lupus so Autoimmune disease is certainly prevalent in my family.  My sister was quite ill at the time of her diagnosis and it took her 5 blood tests before the C-Reactive Protien markers showed up in her results allowing doctors to make the final diagnosis.  I have been started on Colestid for the time being to try and curb the diarrhea but I feel frustrated that I still have no answers as to the root of my problems causing the symptoms.

Has anyone else had similar experiences with their diagnosis? - i am wollowing in frustration - just as I thought I was getting some answers I have been prescribed more expensive pills and more tests with long wait times.

FPO Alli624
Joined Oct 23, 2018

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