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Digestion acting up

Wed, February 06, 2019 8:57 PM

Hello everyone! My Crohn’s has been in what my doctor says is a deep remission. In December, he decided to take my off imuran (I was at 150 mg a day). I still continue to take Remicade. Lately I have found my stomach to be bothering me. I wouldn’t say it’s a flare up, as I haven’t been experiencing the symptoms I used to. My bowels just seem to be very loose, and on occasion I have diarrhea. Just wondering if anyone has experienced loose bowels when coming off of imuran? I eat a pretty clean diet, I try to follow the paleo diet but stay clear from nuts and seeds. I have cut out grains. I occasionally indudgle in dairy and coffee. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. I don’t want my disease to flare back up, and get extremely frustrated when I stick to a clean diet and still experience loose stools. 

FPO JenTabrizi
Joined Feb 6, 2019

Sat, March 23, 2019 7:40 PM

Reply posted for JenTabrizi.

I don't know if you're still looking for an answer, but I've experienced this. 
I've been in remission for a long time using a combination of Mesalamine and a little bit of Imuran. (50 mg in my case.)
I mainly started imuran for a liver condition, but I think it helps my Crohn's symptoms as well.

A little over a year ago, my liver was looking good so my hepatologist took me off the Imuran as an experiment.
I never flared during that time, but I had an uptick in loose stools and discomfort. My eating habits weren't perfect during that season, but I strongly suspect the medicine change was a significant factor in this change.

A few months later, my liver numbers were up, and my doctor told me I needed to go back on the Imuran.  Honestly, I was somewhat relieved because that meant a return to more GI stability as well.

FPO ccmarie6
Joined Mar 23, 2019

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