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Diagnosis Pending

Wed, March 13, 2019 8:28 PM

So I've been sick now a couple years jumping from doctor to doctor because they only want to treat the symptoms and not find the cause
I've finally gotten a GI doc who is taking me seriously and running tons of test and stuff we are in the midst of piecing it together. So far it all seems to point towards Iflammatory Bowel Disease. I figured I'd post my symptoms and my results to see if they are consistant wiht IBD? All this waiting has me stressed and feed back from diagnosed individuals would be helpful i think. 
I have have on and off again Diarrhea, intermittenly bloody, terrible painful hemmeroids, near constant nausea and i consistently vomit tons of bile. Fatiuge, abdoment and lower back pain, random rashes that itch like crazy and have no explanation
my high test results have been my CRP, Sed rate, and Calprotectin those are the major ones, the crp and sed rate have been consistently high for over a year now last doctor kept checking them but didn't know what to do about it. my HLA B-27 is Negative though. No celiacs, no lupas, no rhumatoid arthritis. gall bladder is fine had it tripple checked, liver is fatty and enlarged and my sleen enlarged. and i've been put on a ton of mediations to "see if it helps" and nothings worked so far. My ENDO and colonoscopy showed some erosions and the biopsys showed h. pylori doc said that wouldn't account for all my symptoms or labs though, now i am waiting on Medicaid to approve the Small Bowel PillCam to try to see if its in there since there werent any obvious signs from the procedure. I do have pictures from my it but not sure if i could post them? Any advice or thoughts are welcome. Thanks for taking the time to read my jarbled mess of a story. 

FPO Am3l1a
Joined Mar 13, 2019

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