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Awaiting Tests

Fri, September 20, 2019 8:18 PM

Hi there, 

So I'm from the UK and I have been experiencing symptoms of IBD over the past number of months, really it's been going on since last year. I was experiencing fissures at first, I went to my Doctor (GP) 2 or 3 times, the first time they had a look and confirmed it was a fissure, they prescribed me some numbing cream and told me it would heal on it's own in time. That was fine and after a while it did end up healing itself. But the problem persisted as I was still passing blood along with mucus in my movements. Again, I went to the GP for a second time, again they had a look and said that my movement was looking pretty hard so I need to increase fiber in my diet otherwise I could keep tearing, they then prescribed me laxatives to help along. 

I only took the laxatives once and never used them again, they done nothing for me. For a third time I went to the GP and explained in full all the symptoms I was having: abdominal cramps, blood in my stool along with mucus, changes in my movements and the frequency of them etc. But they done nothing, just told me to keep increasing fiber in my diet. 

Eventually after a while I got fed up and was seen by a consultant in my Hospital, she had a look and confirmed that there was no fissure there and she was worried with the amount of blood that I have been passing that there may be internal bleeding so she would refer my case of to be looked into. She also wanted me to provide a cal-protectin sample. I got the kit and provided my sample which came back as 350, quite a high level which indicated that there was definitely inflammation going on. This was back in May 2019, she told me that if the pain got incredibly painful to go straight down to A&E and they would look into it for me. I had hoped that day would never come but low and behold, it did. I was working a late shift when it happened, from when I got up that morning I was in dier pain all down my right side, and felt nauseous. I fought through it and carried onto work, I don't like calling in sick or going home sick. I got 4 hours into my shift before it got unbearable, I had explained my situation to a few colleagues who completely understood and highly recommended that I go home to take some time and recover, there was no point in me suffering in work. So I rung my Mother who picked me up from work, as soon as she took one look at me she knew something was wrong. She told me that I looked warm and clamy and that I looked extremely pale. 

We carried on home and once we did she get got my temperature which was 39.5, as a nurse she was quite worried as this was beginning to get feverish. She gave me some strong painkillers, which was co-codomal I believe, but they didn't work. She felt it was time to go to A&E. Fast forward to A&E, we met a lovely nurse and we explained that I was being tested for IBD and that the pain had become incredible bad and the consultant I had saw told me that if it got intense to come down, she understood and took my bloods and while I was waiting provided me with some other painkillers along with some buscapan (which is technically for IBS relief). 

After another hour or the nurse came back out and told us that it would be a while before my test results would be ready so she told us that we could go on home and she would keep record of my details and call me before her shift ended to let me know if anything was happening and if we had to come back down. Around 9pm that night the nurse called me back and told me that bloods came back normal so I didn't need to go back that night but if the next morning I was still in a lot of pain then I would still be on the system to be seen by a Doctor and to come on down. 

The next day I was still in quite a lot of pain so I decided to go on down back to the Hospital where I was seen, the Doctor asked me to pro

FPO AFallenAngel121
Joined Sep 20, 2019

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