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Diet cured my symptoms

Fri, March 06, 2020 10:54 PM

I was diagnosed with UC about 15 years ago.
After doing some research, I decided to go on a gluten and dairy free diet several years ago and happy to say I have been symptom free for years. 

I did this on my own. My doctor didn't believe it would help much. My doctor is the head of his practice at one of the best hospitals in Boston.

So many people have significant food intolerances that will not show up on any test.  The elimination diet is the only way to tell.

This diet has helped me tremendously and I am now off medication. 

It is easy to do with all the gluten free options out there and any inconvenience is certainly less than feeling sick all the time.



FPO Feelgood2day
Joined Mar 6, 2020

Sun, March 22, 2020 7:31 PM

Reply posted for Feelgood2day.

I have found similar results -- I was only diagnosed in February of 2020, but had months of extreme pain/bloating/diarrhea, etc starting late October up until I was diagnosed in February.  I played a little bit with diet and noticed some changes (things would be very bad after cetain foods) but eventually went full-on with the 'SCD diet' (specific carbohydrate diet), and had a small amount of luck just 'jumping right in', although some foods still did a number on me even on the 'safe' list  --  but when I started with the 'stages' that the diet reccomends (starting basically with mushed  cooked carrots and well-chopped boiled chicken) until symptoms fully cleared for a few days, and then adding one thing at a time, I have had HUGE luck.  No more bowel symptoms -- now I am only dealing with the extreme fatigue.


(That diet, TLDR, limits you a lot but basically promotes fruit, veggies (other than potatoes, sweet potatoes and yams and of course soy), and most kinds of meat that havn't been processed.  Nothing processed at all is allowed, actually.  Eventually you're supposed to be able to add nuts back in (I havn't been able to eat nuts in years, slowly losing the ability to handle different types over my life, but now I think that may have been due to worsening undiagnosed crohn's...), and


I have been able to add things back that really bothered me badly at first, like bananas (cooked currently), and eggs, brussel sprouts and broccoli and even coconut milk -- but I absolutely know that if I eat something not on the list, it will be horrible.  (due to early experience when I 'kind of' followed the diet but wasn't fully convinced.  And I'm taking it very slow as even just a few weeks ago I wasn't able to handle things like brussel sprouts.  It took a good four weeks (and a lot of dropped pounds) just eating small portions of mushed carrots and chicken before I could even handle anything else.


I found similarly that doctors will generally tell you that diet has nothing to do with it, but there is a lot of research out there that suggests that diet can certainly have an effect and that's what I've been finding through trial and error as well.  (I'm very much into digging deep into the scientific studies to get to the reasons why things happen the way they do, which is why I wanted to give the SCD diet a try.)


I do look forward to trying to figure out if there are things I can eat OUTSIDE the diet (though I'm skeptical at this point - I have tentatively added 'canned tomato paste' and found I am OK with it - as it seems to have nothing 'illegal' added and gives me no negative symptoms) as well as something within the diet that I shouldn't have, but right now, following it very strictly has caused a great recovery with the abdominal symptoms at least!

FPO Oliverian
Joined Mar 22, 2020

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