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Moving to US from UK.

Thu, May 25, 2023 8:15 AM

Hi All, 

looking for some help with a question I can't seem to find an answer to on the internet! 

I currently live in the UK and thinking about a possible move to the US with work. I have Crohns and colitis, taking pentasa and Azathioprine. My condition is in a good place at the moment and haven't actually seen my doctor in nearly 4 years now. My work provide health care (work for insurance company) but would like to understand the following if anyone could help.

How does health care work with Crohns in the US? Is the level of care higher than UK?
When arriving, what is the process to get my medication and how long does it take? (Suspect I will need my meds around 4 weeks into arriving, depending how much I can get from the UK) Do I book a visit with the doctor and go from there?
is pentasa and azathioprine available in the US?

If I am hospitalised with a flare, what happens? Does the insurance company take care of it? Or would I need to pay and then them take care of it later? 

The illness has really stopped me in my tracks in terms of making a decision so any help is appreciated! 

kind regards 

FPO Huntid
Joined May 25, 2023

Thu, May 25, 2023 5:22 PM

Reply posted for Huntid.

Hi! That must be so exciting to have such a big opportunity for relocation. You ask really good, but complicated questions. Healthcare in the US is complicated and medication accessibility can depend on the type of insurance you have, mainly if it is private or public, which you may not know yet. I have employer-sponsored health insurance, aka private, but even then it depends on which insurance company your employer offers and what the insurance company's requirements are that dictate what kind(s) of medications are available. I would recommend starting with your current employer and/or insurance provider, and if you are relocating, asking if that same provider will continue. If not, your employer's HR department should be able to connect you with the new insurance company. Then you should be able to find out if your prescriptions for current medications will transfer or if you need to establish care in the US for new prescriptions. 

FPO eliseh
Joined May 12, 2023

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