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Humira Losing Effectiveness

Thu, October 25, 2018 4:47 PM

Hi, all--I'm writing because I've been on Humira since spring of 2014, and according to recent blood tests, my inflammation markers are far higher than they should be on the medication. I'm working with a different doctor than I did when I was first diagnosed, because I moved out of state to pursue other work, and the doctor is working at a much smaller local clinic than the previous doctor I worked with (at a much larger, highly respected gastro med center). According to this current doctor, though I haven't developed detectable anti-bodies to the medicine, it's possible Humira has started to not work for me, and they would like me to switch to a non-biologic medicine. I asked if we could simply up the dosage (currently taking 40ml every other week), but the doc asssured me that there's an algorithm for how much I should be receiving, and I have the proper amount in my bloodstream. It's not that I don't trust this doctor, but moving to a completely different medication when this one has kept me pretty stable for nearly five years is a big step (i.e. no blockages or constant ER trips anymore), and the place I'm seeking treatment at currently doesn't quite have the same level of reputation/respect as the previous medical clinic. They'll be running some other tests on me to rule out any other causes of the lab results (undiagnosed food allergies, etc.) and I'm still considering the possibility of another scope, but should I be seeking second opinions? Does anyone have experience with the medication transition process? Going off Humira means, of course, developing permanent anti-bodies to it--I'd like to be absolutely sure this is the right step, before I transition.

FPO kewebe02
Joined Oct 25, 2018

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