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may need a biologic

Thu, December 12, 2019 4:53 PM

I was just diagnosed with UC pancolitis.  My GI put me on melasmine 4 pills a day and Uceris.  I have been taking them for 4 weeks. 
I saw my nurse practioner yesterday and she told me because I have pancolitis, and I am still having symptoms and my blood work shows infamation in my body (I also have rhumetoid arthritis) .  She told me with UC pancolitis, I am at a 30-40% higher risk of colon cancer than someone with a normal colon.

Also, when I was first diagnosed, I was have 15 or more BM and bleeding every time.  Sometimes I would have an urge to go and only blood would come out.

I told my NP yesterday sometimes I still have an urge to go and nothing but blood comes out.  It is not as much and that I still feel inflamed inside. 

First she mentioned putting me on Humira.  I am little scared to go it because 11 years ago our son died from Leukemia. 
My question is this, since my son had Leukemia, does that put me at a higher risk of Lymphoma if I choose to go on Humira.  The reason she chose Humira is I also have Rhuemetoid Arthritis as I mentioned earlier. 
She also gave me the option of entivyo which only works for the gut, but is 30 minute infustion and there is no risk factor for Lymphoma. 

I am just a little confused of which one to take.
Where can I go to read about these two biologics and their side effects, and risk factors for cancers. 

Thank you

FPO Lorraine
Joined Dec 15, 2019

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