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Just plain exhausted and and don't feel like working!

Wed, May 13, 2015 9:47 PM

I'm 51, White Male and was diagnosed with Crohns at age 19.  After all these years, I have gone through all of the medications.  Reactions to them all, either rashes, or most recent, the remicade gave me severe headaches, the humira gave me horrible joint pains.  Now I am on Entyvio.  The signs of the Crohns have gone in to remission so far, however; the body aches, the headaches and tension is really tough.  The hardest thing is the anxiety and depression.  I own my own company and I cant even stand to go to work.  I have no desire to be there.  I don't want to have to make decisions and certainly want no adversity.  Is anyone else going through this and if so, what are the ways to get through this?

FPO underwaker2014
Joined May 13, 2015

Tue, July 14, 2015 6:05 PM

 Reply posted for underwaker2014.

Hi underwaker, I have been living with UC for 10 years and too deal with depression and anxiety. I know it is very hard to get out of bed each day, and feel as though my disposition should be better, but it is very difficult. I take clonazepam for anxiety and depression, that helps. Also, my faith and family keep me going, hope this helps.

FPO lewisc21
Joined Jul 12, 2015

Tue, July 07, 2015 10:00 PM

 Reply posted for underwaker2014.

Hello Underwaker, 

I am 32, female, been diagnosed with UC for almost 10 years now.  I have felt the feelings you have felt, and the only way I was able to get through them was a strong support system.  My friends all know I have UC, my family knows.  There are support groups all over, maybe you can look it up on the ccfa website and see if there is one in your area.  If not, try the online support group from the website.  They meet 4 times, once per week for 1 month.  I went through it and it was great.  Really boosted my attitude about the whole thing.  The last thing for gaining a support system may be your local church.  I don't know if you are the church type of guy, but my church family knows where I am coming from, and who knows you may even meet someone who experiences the same issues.  I know I have.  There are actually 2 people in my church who have UC as well. 

Hope this helps!
Glad you are in remission but sorry that the side effects are taking a toll.

FPO mandista
Joined Jan 15, 2009

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