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Sat, February 27, 2016 7:43 PM

I feel really embarrassed to share my Crohn's diagnosis with my work colleagues or casual acquaintances.  I'm finding that trying to hide my illness from others is becoming exhausting (as if this disease isn't exhausting enough).

How--when---with whom did you share you diagnosis and how was it received?

Thanks in advance for your reply, it has taken me two years to reach out for help and advice.

FPO copingwithibd
Joined Dec 16, 2013

Sat, February 27, 2016 9:15 PM

 Reply posted for southerngirl.

Thank you!  smiley

FPO copingwithibd
Joined Dec 16, 2013

Sat, February 27, 2016 9:08 PM

 Reply posted for copingwithibd.

I'm so sorry you feel like that! It should not be something you have to be embarrassed about. I completely understand the feeling because I felt the exact same way when I was diagnosed. I felt like I couldn't really tell anyone and was keeping everything inside. I tend to tell people who I feel like will be affected by it. I usually wait a little bit to make sure the person will be in my life for a while, and then if I feel like they will have to deal with my symptoms as well, I will usually tell them. Sometimes I start just by saying I have an autoimmune disorder and that sometimes I may have to take breaks or miss events. Then, when I get to know the person a bit better, I explain the rest. Hope that helps!

FPO southerngirl
Joined Jan 17, 2015

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