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Mon, September 15, 2008 12:00 AM

Hi there im relatively new to this site but i feel by chatting about my attack it helps me off load my feelings.I am having an attack of uc at the moment with alot of blood loss,i feel like i have no energy and i think my medication is the culprit..I am taking predisalone enemas.predisalone oral and asacol tabs as well, as omeprazole to protect my stomache lining.At this moment in time i feel that they are not really helping much.Ihave seen my consultant a week ago and they said it was proctitus but it doesnt seem to be healing .Is there anyone with any advice or should i go back to see the doc thanks..

FPO nike11
Joined Sep 7, 2008

Sat, September 20, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for nike11.

It sounds like the reason you are tired is from the blood loss. I am going through the same thing right now. I am on the same enemas, asacol and canasa suppositories and it isn't helping a lot. My consultant wants me to try methotrexate soon. Anyway, try eating liver (ugh!), spinich, anything green and leafy, carrots, peanut butter and red meats. They have iron in them. Good luck!!!!!!

FPO tarheelmama
Joined Sep 9, 2008

Tue, September 16, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for lfs603.

Hi thanks for the advice i have had uc for eleven years but the last year has not seem to have settled,and the proctitus is horrid but i will give the fish oils ago many thanks.I was in remission for seven years with no medication what so ever but it has returned with avengence...but who knows fingers crossed and thanks again .

FPO nike11
Joined Sep 7, 2008

Tue, September 16, 2008 12:36 PM

 Reply posted for nike11.

Hi, I had proctitis before I had full blown UC, the proctitis was not at all involved with blood, since it involves the very end of the rectum, it was just mucus discharge and that urgency feeling all the time. When it progressed into UC was when the blood came into play. I am currently on sulfasalizine which works well for me, plus folic acid and iron which helps with the tiredness all the time. I have also started taking Omega 3 fish oil caplets, maybe you should talk to your doctor about switching meds, I was on several until I found one that works. Good Luck to you.

FPO lfs603
Joined Aug 4, 2008

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