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Constant Fatigue

Fri, February 20, 2009 10:03 PM

I am hoping that posting on here will give me the opportunity to speak with others that understand what it is like living with a chronic disease. I was diagnosed in 2001. I have had several colonoscopies, numerous flare ups, and now constant fatigue. This new symptom has been very hard to deal with. I am the mommy to five wonderful children and my lack of energy just doesn't allow me to be the mom I want to be. It angers me and frustrates me. They don't understand and to be honost I am tired of feeling so old even though I'm only 34. I have also been extremly bloated lately and in pain. Can anyone else relate? I know I probably need to go see a GI doctor, but we just moved and finding a new doctor seems like a daunting task. If anyone has any advice or can tell me if my symptoms are "normal" I would love to hear from you. It just seems it is becoming more difficult to live with UC.

FPO blessedmommy
Joined Feb 20, 2009

Fri, May 29, 2009 1:18 PM

 Reply posted for blessedmommy.

Just do what I do stay on the steroids.  They keep your energy level up and it makes it easy to get things done.  The down side is cancer, but personally I'll scarafice quality for quantity. I've had this disease for 12 years. 

FPO jk1470
Joined May 29, 2009

Tue, May 26, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for blessedmommy.

I know the fatigue stinks. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I take a large amount of B12 and B6 every day and it really helps. It might not work for you, but I know quite a few people that it does help. Give it a try. It can't hurt. I take a 5 hour energy every morning.

Good luck, and peace

FPO dragonryder
Joined Dec 12, 2008

Mon, April 20, 2009 7:55 PM

 Reply posted for blessedmommy.

I can relate. If I didn't have to get up for work, I could easily sleep all day. I have to take a caffiene pill everyday in order to stay awake at work (I almost fell asleep the one day I forgot it). It is hard for me to stay up late, even on weekends and when I get plenty of sleep. I just feel weak all the time. I have had blood tests over and over again and everything comes back normal. I sometimes wonder how I will be able to handle having a family. When I get home from work, I just want to pass out! What will I do when I have kids?

FPO laurenc13183
Joined Mar 11, 2008

Mon, March 09, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for blessedmommy.

I was also diagnosed around 2001 with crohn's disease. Fatigue is a big deal for me, I am always tired and I sleep more than the average adult. I do not have children but I am a server and have to stay alert and on my toes.  I am only 23 and feel old because I can't keep with my friends/work. I have had anemia in the past so I have been eating more foods with iron hoping that it will help.  Also as for finding a new GI CCFA has a search engine for that. I highly reccomend it. My father's GI is listed through the CCFA physician search engine, he was an excellent Dr. He helped my father reach remission from a severe case of Ulceritive-Colitis (and it's been over 10 yrs with no flares for him). I hope you feel better and at least give it a shot. Good luck.

FPO tinamarie85
Joined Feb 19, 2009

Tue, March 03, 2009 7:23 PM

 Reply posted for blessedmommy.

I can only tell you what has helped from my experience. I lost about 60lbs & had to get a resection done. This was done at Cleveland Clinic & I ever had another issue that is the only place I would go.

I have had little issues since. Some mild flair ups right after surgery but since I have been able to maintain by taking asacol & imuran.

I do think that stress is a common issue with flairups & although we are all stressed these days I try & find my own way to cope. My way is staying busy because when I don't my mind wanders & I seem to take on worry.

Do what's best for you not what someone thinks is best for you.

My wife thinks I need to set down & relax. That streeses me out unless i am doing something or watching a football game.


I also went to a support group "once". Everybody seemed to look at doom & gloom. It didn't work for me so I never went back.

Doesn't mean it is not something worth trying but I would make sure to stay around a positive minded support group.


Other things that I know bothers me.

Exercise is good but to much at one time seems to have a reverse effect. I keep it moderate.

Any kind of red sauce - mostly Italian sauces can cause problems. Spicy foods.

Raw vegatables & salads are bad for me also. Small salads & well cooked vegetables seem ok.


This may not work for everyone but has been what works for me. Of course I do some of these things once in awhile & usually pay for it a day or two.

Hope this helps but two main things seem to be eliminate stress YOUR WAY & keep an eye out for what seems to bother you when it comes to foods.

I fight fatigue also & don't have a good answe but I seem to have handled better than most.


Good luck.





FPO mgulick123
Joined Mar 3, 2009

Tue, March 03, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for blessedmommy.

I am 61 have had Crohn's since I was 19, your syptoms are normal, however they become increased with age, you do what you can when you can, you need your rest, you need to get into a Gastroentrologist, some firm that deals with your specific diagnosis ie Crohn's/Colitis, one week out of the month I take Flagyl, it is an antibiotic, usually take it the first full week of the month, and on the prior Sunday I sleep the day away, beginning Monday I start to feel more energized by noon. Good Luck.

FPO david morse
Joined Apr 8, 2008

Mon, March 02, 2009 1:25 PM

 Reply posted for lfs603.

dear blessed mommy i know what you are going through.  I have had crohn's disease since i was 13. i am now 35 and the mother of  four kids and i am a single parent, and its so hard so i would say yes your symptoms and the way you feel about them are completely normal. its so important to have a positive attitude and a strong support system, especially during flare-ups.

FPO sonya g
Joined Mar 2, 2009

Thu, February 26, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for blessedmommy.

I have had UC for 12 yrs and yes, the fatigue stinks, it is always there in my case due to the fact that I am anemic as found out with a standard blood test, also if you are taking sulfasalizine, make sure that you are also taking folic acid as prescibed by a doctor as that helps with the loss of red blood cells from taking your meds. At one point I was down 1 and a half pints of blood in my body which got better by taking slow relese iron pills, I continue to take them and they make the world of difference. I get tired very early in the evening and find myself falling asleep at 7:30pm sometimes. Take care of yourself and get plenty of sleep on days that you are not having a bad day from a flare etc. Feel Well!

FPO lfs603
Joined Aug 4, 2008

Mon, February 23, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for blessedmommy.

I had the same symptoms, and they found out that I was anemic. I would bring that up with your doctor. I had a blood transfusion and am now taking iron everyday which really helps.

FPO sapphire
Joined Feb 16, 2009

Sat, February 21, 2009 6:38 AM

 Reply posted for blessedmommy.

Another reply...for some odd reason the post I just sent seems messed up (no capitalization) and then some part had ** in it. I guess the wording set off a filter/block type of thing, but what I said was to not be too tough on yourself for being tired. I have felt that way many times...feeling so much older than you really are.

FPO jn4025
Joined Nov 22, 2008

Sat, February 21, 2009 6:32 AM

 Reply posted for blessedmommy.

hi. just wanted to let you know that i have experienced extreme fatigue with my uc. i was diagnosed (pancolitis) in 2007 and have had numerous flares. i've noticed that i tend to get extreme fatigue just prior to getting a flare. have you had blood work done recently? i know that i've also had anemia in the past, which has also made me really run down. i'm a mother as well, and although it is quite difficult, you have to try to not be so *** yourself and take care of your needs. i always felt guilty taking naps when i was tired, but as time goes on i'm finding that when i'm flaring i just need to cut back and then when things get better i can go on with my regular schedule. hope your better days will be coming soon

FPO jn4025
Joined Nov 22, 2008

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