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can't stop the flare ups

Sat, March 07, 2009 6:37 PM

My flare ups are coming about every 3 to  5 months and of course can land me in bed and housebound for 2 months at a time. My doctor says they don't know why these things happens and says it is not caused by diet or stress. It is so hard to believe this. Has anyone ever been given an explanation they can understand as to why this happens. I am on 2 rowasa enemas a day and Lialda, 4 a day. One day I seem to be getting better and the next day,  I am back to square one

FPO mokie
Joined Apr 16, 2008

Sat, May 23, 2009 8:25 PM

 Reply posted for Awise127.

I am SOOO glad the probiotic is working for you.  I wish my daughter knew about it when she was first diagnosed 2 years ago.  I also wish I had stock in that company lol!!!!!  It feels like an ad when I write about it lol.  It seems like lots of people use it also.  I'm so happy that you are feeling better!!!!!!! 

FPO ez
Joined Nov 9, 2008

Sat, May 23, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for mokie.

Don't believe everything your Dr. says about stress and diet not causing flares. I was recently hospitalized because small bowel got caught in adhesions and caused an obstruction.  Fortunately we caught it before I had to have another surgery. My GI has put me on No lettuce, cabbage, raw or cooked and no brocolli,  raw or cooked. Also very minimal amuonts of other raw fruits and veggies.  He says that these are the foods most likely to get caught in the bowel and cause problems.Gluten causes gas and the problems that go with it.  As far as stress is concerned. It is a major source of flares in many, many illnesses. High blood pressure is 90% controllable by reducing stress.  

FPO marilynaz
Joined Jun 4, 2008

Fri, May 01, 2009 5:42 PM

 Reply posted for EZ.

I have to tell you that I think the probiotic you suggested is AMAZING!  I started taking it a week ago in the middle of a UC flare and I feel SO much better... NOW The doc did put me on 40mg of prednisone but I feel differently this time around taking the pred with the new probiotic.  In the passed I could tell when I was due for a dose of steriods as I would start to feel terrible.. this go around I dont even feel like I need to take the pred but will taper as I am supposed to... LONG post to say THANKS SO MUCH for suggesting the Critical Care 50 billion!!


FPO awise127
Joined Feb 10, 2009

Sat, April 25, 2009 10:28 PM

 Reply posted for ACA11.

I have to agree with you ACA11.  I had an attack that put me out for about 1 1/2 months due to stress (in my opinion).  I was working 55 hours a week, have a 1 and 4 year old, going to school full time, and was attempting to help as much around the house as I could.  Next stop, hospital.  Since then I have managed to graduate (no more school), I've stopped the OT at work, and my wife quit her job to take care of the children more.  I am basically eliminating all of the stressors in my life.  I have never felt more at peace either.  I'm still working through some flares and will probably require surgery in the next coming months, but the stress relief has been a huge help.  I would recommend everyone to look at their life and attempt to view the non-important things with a passing glance.  I've been more focused on family and fun.  If my stomach and body are feeling terrible, at least my mind is on the right track and ease's some of the symptoms.

FPO baudot
Joined Apr 10, 2009

Sun, March 08, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for mokie.

there is a recent lengthy post under the 'treatments' forum from me detailing what seems to be working for my 16 yr. old son--titled SUCCESS WITH NATURAL REMEDIES...

patman on this forum has access to alot of studies to the effectiveness of coconut oil and natural remedies. i simply went to a health food store that happened to have a nutrionist on staff who was extremely helpful. read my post and let me know if you have any question.  the fish oil has to be top grade (pharmaceutical), carlsons gets good reviews as well as what i ordered-genestra super efa (essential fatty acid) liquid.  the good bacteria in the colon appears to be bifido not lacto...and activia and yoghurts seem to have more lactobacillus type bacteria which appears to work better with crohns' (small intestine) ACA11 was mentioning below. the probiotic EZ was mentioning is the one my son uses, and it appears to be working.  alot of this info i also found online googling.  get a big jar of coconut oil at whole foods or cheaper online has free shipping with orders over $25.
all this took me many many hours of research, reading this forum, talking to many people (i'm a dental hygienists so i have access to lots of input)...and the nutrionist, of course. I cannot say our gi dr. has been helpful or knowledgeable in this area whatsoever.  My son may have to go on prescription meds sometime down the road, but i am going to do everything in my power to keep him stable as he is right now....we do have an appt for bloodwork next week, just to make sure everything is ok..esr etc.
hope this helps somewhat

FPO ucinfofanatic
Joined Mar 3, 2009

Sat, March 07, 2009 10:32 PM

 Reply posted for mokie.

My daughter has UC.  We just went to a new specialist last Friday.  He said it is common to see "bacterial overgrowth" in UC patients.  He wants her to take a Lactulose Hydrogen Breath Test to see if she has bacterial overgrowth but my daughter has been feeling great since she started a probiotic called Ultimate Flora Critical Care 50 Billion.  That just happens to be the probiotic the doc has been recommending to his patients for 10 years.  My daughter is currently on Lialda and Azathioprine.  She just had a CT Enterography on Wednesday.  She doesn't want to take the Lactulose Hydrogen Breath Test because she'd have to stop the probiotic and she's afraid she'll flare up.  She has been in a flare since September.  She has also been on Flagyl and Canasa which didn't work then she tried Cortifoam which didn't work either.  The probiotic is the only thing that has worked for her which she has been taking for about 2 months.  She is also trying to watch what she eats and cut out extra sugars, processed foods, limit dairy and wheat. 

FPO ez
Joined Nov 9, 2008

Sat, March 07, 2009 10:16 PM

 Reply posted for mokie.

Try keeping a food diary of what you eat and if you have a flare up or not.  This is an excellent way of finding out trigger foods (foods that make your UC flare up). 

Also, in terms of probotics, I was on an antibiotic for a bladder infection and my abdomin starting swelling (not bloating) and the on-call GI doctor told me to go out and buy Activia and start taking that.  Little did I know Activia is yogurt and in my humble opinion, yogurt tastes like baby puke (or comparable since I've never had children nor eaten baby puke!) LOL........

I did find Activia in liquid form, so I am able to tolerate that and I have 1 or 2 bottles a day.  Small bottles and boy does it make a big difference.

FPO aca11
Joined Mar 3, 2009

Sat, March 07, 2009 9:52 PM

 Reply posted for ucinfofanatic.

Thank you so much. I have uc not chron's. I do not eat dairy and have wondered about probiotics. How do you know what to take and how much. 

I do not know anything about gluten or how to take fish oils. Do fish oils come in pills? How much do you take. 
I do exercise and feel awful when I cannot go. It is interesting what you said about sleep, as I have not been sleeping well before the flare ups began. I wonder, despite what the doctor says, if I should keep a food diary? I do believe stress can cause spasms and they can cause a flare up. I was fine for so many, many years. 

FPO mokie
Joined Apr 16, 2008

Sat, March 07, 2009 9:26 PM

 Reply posted for mokie.

I am assuming you have Crohns? My son has UC and different things work for different people with these 2 diseases.. but....

...have you considered the benefits of fish oil and coconut oil, both of which are natural anti-inflammatories.  I agree with ACA11 that food (or choice thereof--maybe consider reducing/eliminating gluten and/or dairy) and stress play roles in flares as does getting the body out of balance in any way -proper rest, exercise etc.  Also, have you researched probiotics?  It seems to help alot of people on this forum and has definitely helped my son.

Good luck! Keep us posted on your progress

FPO ucinfofanatic
Joined Mar 3, 2009

Sat, March 07, 2009 7:27 PM

 Reply posted for mokie.

I am finding that the doctor's really don't know alot about our illnesses.  I've heard many doctor's say stress isn't a cause; I disagree.  I also disagree that diet isn't a part of it either.

I completely changed the way I am eating, monitoring trigger foods that set my CD off and it has made a huge difference.  I also don't invite stress into my life if at all possible. 

I hope things work out for you and have they considered switching your meds?

FPO aca11
Joined Mar 3, 2009

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