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Anyone try Celexa for anxiety?

Wed, November 25, 2009 2:51 PM

Has anyone tried Celexa for anxiety?  I have uc and cd and I've gone back and forth with going on meds for anxiety or not.  Thanks and any input is appreciated! 


FPO ngc249
Joined Dec 19, 2008

Sun, December 20, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for ngc249.

yes, try it.  It cannot hurt anything, just might make things better.  I am on Lexapro and wellbutrin and am very satisfied.

FPO cie reynolds
Joined Dec 20, 2009

Tue, December 01, 2009 9:10 PM

 Reply posted for ngc249.

I am on Celexa and it helps me tremendously.  The only thing is if you forget to take a few in a row you get very dizzy.  You need to ween yourself if you are going off them like steroids.  I hope this helps you decide.  I feel more at ease with alot of things that would really bother me.



FPO rmurratti
Joined Nov 21, 2009

Fri, November 27, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for ngc249.

I found that celexa worked for a while, but it "broke through". There are many meds out there, so it's a matter of trial and error. I work as a therapist, and I see many clients who have done well with Lexapro. That seems to have low propensity for side effects, from what the psychiatrist tells me. What you have to be care about is to work with your doctor on the dosage, and not to take yourself off the med, without being on medical supervision. Nothing like rebound!!!! That can put you in a tailspin, trust me, lolol. Hope that helps.

FPO lorraine
Joined Nov 4, 2009

Thu, November 26, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for lorraine.

other than that, how did you feel on it?

FPO ngc249
Joined Dec 19, 2008

Thu, November 26, 2009 12:04 AM

 Reply posted for ngc249.

Yea, but I've found effexor takes effect a lot faster.

FPO lorraine
Joined Nov 4, 2009

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