Community Forum

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Sun, November 29, 2009 1:00 AM

Hi everyone.   I tried Celexa for the anxiety which I know contributes to the crohns and ulcerative colitis.  I got incredibly sick!  I cannot take anything in pill form  (except for immodium) without it bothering me.  I felt like I was going to pass out, I dry heaved a few times and had horrible diarhea!  That was about 30 hours ago and today I am definitely better, not 100% but better.  I run, do acupuncture, meditate and nothing seems to really help my stress level.  I know I'm not alone and I just wanted to vent!  Oh and I am currently not on any meds for either of my conditions because my stomach can't tolerate the oral meds and I get nervous system weakness and tingling from the Humira and Cimzia.  Have a good day!


FPO ngc249
Joined Dec 19, 2008

Thu, December 17, 2009 5:49 PM

 Reply posted for ngc249.

You just need to figure out what works for you and get a good support system going.  My husband is realy understanding and is always willing to pick up the slack when things aren't going so great for me.  My Mom is always willing to listen and provide sympathy.  I also have my comfortable clothes and blankets and favorite movies and books and even some favorite chrohns safe foods for when I'm sick.  These all help to get me through. 

You might also consider talking to a professional.  Jeff and I started going to therapy after I was diagnosed and it has really helped a lot.  Someone you just need someone from "outside" to talk to to put things in the right perspective. 

Just keep your head up and you'll get the hang of it!


FPO megs0810
Joined Mar 25, 2009

Thu, December 03, 2009 9:01 PM

 Reply posted for ngc249.

Tell us more about your situation. Are you taking care of yourself, plenty of rest, no hazardous consumption, good diet, good relationship with your gastroenterologist, have people to confide in and get support from, educationing yourself about IBD, trying different things in order to cope with IBD, keeping a log of what works for you and what doesn't, taking time to enjoy life, taking care of YOU, watching Craig Ferguson' monologue every night,  not trying to do too much, biding your time until you feel better and can function again. Anxiety comes with the territory. It can be a bad thing and it can be a good thing. Have you talked to your primary care physician about it? I take drugs for my IBD because I have to. Its best to not take drugs that you don't have to. Hope this helps. Hang in there.


FPO joe
Joined Oct 24, 2019

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