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Flu, school, and Immune compromised

Sat, October 17, 2009 12:00 AM


I have two girls with Crohns- 4 and 6 years old. Both on Methotrexate and immune compromised.

Doctor says during flu season either home school or if she stays at school, anytime anyone gets sick keep her home for 5 days in case. She has a friend also on methotrexate who got h1n1 and stopped breathing (shes ok now) but I don't want that to happen to my girl... so do I keep her home until flu season is over? I think she needs the social interaction but can't live with myself if something happens to her. what do we do??? take her out of grade 1 for the moment?

any advice welcome!

thanks Dom

FPO daniellasmom
Joined Apr 11, 2008

Sat, December 05, 2009 11:13 PM

 Reply posted for DaniellasMom.

Hello -


My son has been in and out of school since the flu season began.  There was a major out break at the school and then the school system administered the vaccine.  Be careful of that - the mist is a live virus.  It takes 3-5 days for the person to "shed" the virus after being given the mist. 

We were able to set up Homebound teaching (teacher comes to us!)  This has been great - Davis has been caught up when he returns to school.  The social aspect is a big deal - he is not a happy camper when he is not in school.

Good luck - I wish you the best of luck staying away from the flu.



FPO mom2davis
Joined Dec 5, 2009

Wed, October 28, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for DaniellasMom.

My son's doctor called me in regards to the h1n1 shot.. he has them for his imune suppressed patients first... that being said, Casey was sick with fever and  bronchitis last week, missed his infusion and so had it at week 8 ( late for us). So, he has to wait about two weeks after the infusion for the shot. I am nervous with him being at school too with other kids who are sick. It is so hard to let go and let hi.m just be because I am worried all the time. Not to mention he barely eats and when he does, it is rarely healthy. 

FPO daviyoga
Joined Nov 3, 2008

Sun, October 18, 2009 8:55 AM

 Reply posted for DaniellasMom.

I agree with Derek's Mom.   The social interation at school is critical, I think moreso with special children as ours.  They are already unique and being away from their school, peers and just being able to be as "ordinary" as possible is crucial.

My youngest daughter has CD and her doc is recommending H1N1, but not the nasal spray.  The nasal spray is the live virus.  She is recommending the shot, which is not live and supposedly the safer choice.  Maybe each doc has a different opinion like everything else.  I don't think there is a right/wrong answer. 

I would probably continue preaching to your girls (as I am with mine) the importance of washing their hands, sneezing into their elbows and keep lots of sanitizers in backbacks, lunchboxes, lockers, wherever.

It is times like these that really try our parenting abilities, but we just need to do what we feel is best for our kids.

All the best to you and your family

Lizzies Mom


FPO lizzies mom
Joined Sep 9, 2009

Sun, October 18, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for DaniellasMom.

Hello, my 15 year old son, recently diagonosed with IBD just recieved  the basic flu shot.  When asked the doctor for the h1n1 shot, she said that he couldn't have it because he is still not well.  Apparently, it is given through the nose, which is not safe when you have a flair.  I understand your concern, because I wouldn't want my son to get the flu.  I still send him to school reminding him to wash hands and carry hand sanitizer around.  I would ask your doctor for the regular flu shot and enquire about the h1n1 shot.and discuss the risk with your doctor.  It is important for my son to go to school and not feel isolated.  He is already some what restricted from many activities from school until he feels better.  I think for his emotional health, being with his friends and feeling a part of something, can contribute to feeling better overall.  I know these are tough decisions and I hope your daughter gets well soon.

Derek's mom

FPO dmstern8
Joined Sep 23, 2009

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