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master (well mistress anyway) of distraction

Mon, October 26, 2009 9:59 PM

I post on here a lot so some of you know my daughter was dx this June and I've become a fan of this forum.  She was originally dx with juvenile arthritis at 3, had a neuro complication this spring and then, finally landed in the hospital in June.  And here we are.  She's 6 and I know she is SICK of going to the doctor.  We have caring compassionate physicians and I think we have a great team helping us with her variety of issues.

Now, I love this child with all my heart but she is making me CRAZY.  When she used to act manic during the doctor visits, I blamed it on the prednisone because she was manic at home.  Talking, talking, talking.  But, we are finally down to 10mg and so close to being off the steroids and today, we had an appt with her GI doctor.

The point of my rant is that she talks talks talks to her doctor and asks random questions and won't be still.  As I watched her today in her 'manic' mode, I realized that I think she hopes to distract her GI (for the record the Neurologist & Rheumatologist when we are there) to the point of not examining her or asking me questions about her bathroom habits.  She does the same thing at every doctor visit.  They'll ask her about pain and she'll say, 'I don't have any' and then be in tears on the way out the door.  I very calmly explained to her why she has to answer the doctor's questions and be still.  Then I thought, 'I'm trying to rationalize with a 6 year old who has been dealing with chronic illness since age 3.'  Good grief!

Does anyone else's child try to distract the doctor or is it just mine?

I've been known to periodically chant 'Assertive children make great leaders.  Assertive children make great leaders.  Assertive children make great leaders.   Assertive children make great leaders.'

Thanks for listening!!!!!!!!  I welcome your replies.   

FPO azmom
Joined Jul 20, 2009

Sun, November 01, 2009 12:10 PM

 Reply posted for AZMOM.

Hi, I know what you are going through.  My son dx with crohn's is very sweet and listens to the dr.  But, I have a teenager who has cancer ( yes, all at the same time) who won't tell the dr what she is feeling.  She doesn't rant to them, only me at home.  Complains at home about all her symptoms, but then won't say anything when we go in.  She hates going to the dr.  It is so frustrating because she is undermining her own treatment!  And, I become the bad guy.  And, I get so frustrated and mad and then I feel guilty because I am angry at my teenager who is ill.  It's an emotional rollercoaster that's for sure...  Take care and God Bless,


FPO momneedsinfo
Joined Oct 25, 2009

Thu, October 29, 2009 4:43 PM

 Reply posted for Lizzies Mom.

Thanks Lizzie's Mom.  I really don't sweat the small stuff....not until the pile reaches the ceiling.    I wanted to share that I did talk to her GI yesterday.  And yes, he has her number.  That made me breathe a sigh of relief.........

Take care.

FPO azmom
Joined Jul 20, 2009

Tue, October 27, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for AZMOM.

AZ Mom,

Don't sweat the small stuff.    Really, try to put yourself in her shoes.   My heart breaks for each and every one of our kids.   Just think about it  - she has been in/out of drs offices half her life.  Nobody is perfect.   As for the master of distraction, her doc probably has her number. Just keep doing what you're doing....your best! 

Lizzies Mom

FPO lizzies mom
Joined Sep 9, 2009

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