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Dairy Free/Gluten Free approach?

Fri, November 13, 2009 6:33 PM

Do any of you follow a strict dietary plan with your children to help with their IBD? I am thinking that dairy,especially is an inflammatory type food and if we eliminate these items from our kids diets maybe we can quiet the immune response in thier bodies?

Since IBD is an immune system issue I am wondering if anyone has had good results using this approach?

Does anyone use a nutritionist to help design a healthier diet for your kids?


I am new to this and really am trying everything to help my daughter!


FPO mygirlrj
Joined Oct 22, 2009

Wed, November 25, 2009 10:53 PM

 Reply posted for mygirlrj.

How old is your daughter? And does she have a food Allergy to dairy.

FPO saddenmom14
Joined Nov 12, 2009

Mon, November 16, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for mygirlrj.

Read about the specific carbohydrate diet in Elaine Gotschall's book Breaking the Vicious Cycle and also about low carb diets in Life Without Bread by Allan and Lutz.

SCD has made an enormous difference to my health and I have followed the diet for over three years. Before changing my diet I was unable to identify individual foods which made me worse and my UC was completely unpredictable. Now it is very mild with minimal medication and I have been able to deal with any worsening of symptoms quite easily by being extra strict about what I eat. Other minor auto-immune problems which were starting to affect me have completely disappeared.

FPO lca
Joined Oct 12, 2008

Sun, November 15, 2009 10:12 PM

 Reply posted for mygirlrj.

Yes, I have met with a nutritionist when my daughter was first diagnosed.  It was very informational and convenient because she is on staff at the pedi-gis office.

As for gluten/dair free, we do not partake in either.  Her allergy tests to both were in the negative.   However, we do follow a low fiber/low residue diet and have had luck (knocking on wood).

Meeting with a nutritionist could be helpful and assist in many of the questions you have.   It helped me with "boosting calories" to her day-to-day intake. 

Hope this helps.

Lizzies Mom

FPO lizzies mom
Joined Sep 9, 2009

Sat, November 14, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for mygirlrj.

We tried the dairy free and gluten free diets several times. Now our daughter is just on dairy free since we ruled out that gluten free made no impact. She has been dairy free for years and it does seem to help alleviate symptoms. We have ussed a nutritionalist when she was in middle school and just diagnosed. There are many dairy free products on the market now and bakeries even make dairy free cakes !  If you need suggestions on products just ask and I'll reply.

FPO mominpoconos
Joined Nov 13, 2009

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