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Sun, December 06, 2009 11:14 PM

My son Davis has UC and suffered a sever flare up this summer.  We are still working to get it under control.  We are trying different medicine - horrible side effects.  He is tired, sad and scared - I am too!

Davis was diagnosed 6 years ago.  For 6 years we did well - he was in remission for four years & on such low doses of meds.  It has been very hard to go from "under control" to "what the heck is going on".

I believe God led me to this site - It's brought great comfort knowing I am not alone.  Thank you all for sharing your stories.  God Bless -


FPO mom2davis
Joined Dec 5, 2009

Mon, January 11, 2010 8:11 PM

 Reply posted for mom2davis.

Thank you all for your support and prayers.  I really appreciate it!

I am happy to say - Davis is doing very well.  Davis went back to Remicade treatments every 8 weeks.  He is so very excited - no other meds!  Only vitamins and Remicade. 

It is nice to share good news!  Take care - Tracy



FPO mom2davis
Joined Dec 5, 2009

Wed, December 09, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for mom2davis.

This is a difficult disease especially when it effects our children. Glad you found this site because you'll always have people to talk to who understand what you are going through. Our dgt. has never been in remission for as long as four years. Hope you can find a regimine that will help your son soon. Hang in there and don't give up. It'll get better ! The worst for me is not knowing how bad it is going to be when your child is going through a flair.

You and your son will be in my prayers. 

FPO mominpoconos
Joined Nov 13, 2009

Tue, December 08, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for mom2davis.

Hi.... I am sorry your son is going through such a hard time.  It is so hard watching our kids suffering through IBD and taking all the meds, making dietary changes, etc only to continue having symptoms.  I go from despair to anger back to despair it seems.  I am grateful to have the forum to come to also.... it helps to hear that someone else has gone through what you are going through.  And it helps to just write it down and get those feelings out too, I think. 

FPO mominmichigan
Joined Jul 24, 2009

Mon, December 07, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for mom2davis.

Treating children with UC/CD can become very overwhelming.  I am the mom of a 9 yr old girl who has CD and has been sick from infancy.  Only to be diagnosed at 4. 

I think what happens is their bodies become immune to the meds after an extended period of time so the meds are less effective.  The docs then  need to put their thinking caps back on to find the right dosage / combination of meds to bring the gut back under control.  It sometimes takes longer than we'd like.....let's face it, immediate results is what we want!  

I'm glad you found this site......looking forward to hear the good news when your son is back on track.

Lizzies Mom

FPO lizzies mom
Joined Sep 9, 2009

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