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calories, pain, no solids

Thu, April 30, 2015 3:11 PM

I am awaiting a colonoscopy. It is a week away. I am in severe pain, and cannot eat because it leads to more and more pain. Just finishing a prednizone taper and starting entocort, and am taking Percocet for pain, which constipates me and causes more pain. My question, Whats the best way to get calories via clear liquids. Even a protein shake will create poop which leads to more severe pain. I am drinking beef and chicken broth, gatorade, and water. I am losing weight though. Also, ensure and boost cause pain as well. Any experience or advice greatly appreciated Thank you .

FPO takecharge
Joined May 6, 2010

Sun, July 26, 2015 7:54 PM

 Reply posted for takecharge.

when I am having a flare saltine crackers, pedia light, and ramen noodles are my go to. Sorry you are not feeling well :(  When not flaring I drink shakeology and that actually helps me stay pretty healthy (along with my remicade treatments).  When you feel better let me know if you want to try shakeology cuz I sell it and will mail you a free sample if you want! 

FPO emy
Joined Apr 4, 2013

Fri, July 24, 2015 7:06 PM

 Reply posted for amd1134.

pop can make worst diarrhea for some. Unless very flat.

FPO beejay
Joined Dec 6, 2014

Fri, July 24, 2015 7:03 PM

 Reply posted for dragonlady.

Try some Jello or gelatin juice= water it,  to make it less acidic, Lactose-free milk  & other lactose-free dairy, even yogurt has lactose-free or hard cheeses. Good luck, feel better soon praying for you.

FPO beejay
Joined Dec 6, 2014

Sun, July 19, 2015 8:03 AM

 Reply posted for takecharge.

And, as you play around with the FODMAP diet, some foods can be added back in, once you know the troublesome ones

FPO dragonlady
Joined Jul 16, 2015

Sun, July 19, 2015 8:02 AM

 Reply posted for amd1134.

Try the low FODMAP diet. I was skeptical and hated that it's so restrictive, so when my doc suggested it years ago, didn't even try.

Symptoms, pain, blood and urgency were getting increasingly out of control and debilitating. 20-50 bathroom visits a day, and HORRIBLE pain. Decided to try the diet for just one day, and now I'm hooked, it reduced bathroom visits to 3-4, and the pain is GONE!  This improvement happened within hours of starting this diet, AMAZING 360 turn around.  Had NO IDEA how sick or in pain I was, till it wasn't there, I just though it was something I had to live with.

FPO dragonlady
Joined Jul 16, 2015

Mon, July 06, 2015 10:50 AM

 Reply posted for dikid.

Also, future reference: try the BRAT diet. Bland food diet for adults. Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast (Stay away from wheat products and/or Rye. Potato bread and pumpernickle seemed the best for me) It should help relieve any diarrhea and stomach cramping. 

Keeping a food diary is the best to track your symptoms. 

FPO brubin
Joined Jul 6, 2015

Mon, July 06, 2015 10:50 AM

 Reply posted for dikid.

Also, future reference: try the BRAT diet. Bland food diet for adults. Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast (Stay away from wheat products and/or Rye. Potato bread and pumpernickle seemed the best for me) It should help relieve any diarrhea and stomach cramping. 

Keeping a food diary is the best to track your symptoms. 

FPO brubin
Joined Jul 6, 2015

Sat, June 20, 2015 9:45 PM

 Reply posted for takecharge.

I'm having ulcerative colitis since May 2015 & still in recovery progress. I'm currently taking Prednisone & other suppositories meds. In early June, my GI gave me some samples of Lialda. However, this med caused me more rectal bleeding, severe stomach & abs pain, no appetite to eat, too weak to walk, headache & neck pain, & sore back. I stopped taking after 5 days but the side effect was staying in my body for 4 days. Then decided to seek for Chinese doctor for acupuncture & Chinese herbs med. However, most Chinese doctors didn't speak much English, so it's better to find someone who's fluent in both speaking & reading in Chinese would help a lot. So far, I've been my inflammation has been improved from 190.1 to 19.5 in less than a month w/ 3 treatments, the rectal bleeding stopped, have appetite to eat, & no longer suffering in severe pain. Also, try to avoid any artificial drink, high fiber foods, gluten, seeds & nuts, greasy, sour, & spicy foods would help healing sooner.

FPO creamymami_ry
Joined Jun 20, 2015

Fri, May 29, 2015 1:11 AM

 Reply posted for takecharge.

I am so so sorry I went through something very similar a couple of weeks ago. Ask your doctor to prescribe you ultram( tramadol) instead of Percocet as it does not slow down ur GI tract. Also take the maximum amount of Tylenol recommended to keep your Pain base line lower. Librax may also help with pain but it may also worsen the symptoms. For getting calories try drinking Apple grape or cranberry juices as they are all "clear" and full of calories. I found the carbonation in sodas to be irritating.

FPO dikid
Joined May 27, 2015

Thu, May 07, 2015 11:18 AM

 Reply posted for takecharge.

I'm so sorry that you are in so much pain.  For me, the only things that worked to get some calories in me were sugary items. Real soda and popsickles specifically.  Even just a sip of the soda would make me feel better because my body had something to burn. 

FPO amd1134
Joined May 7, 2015

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