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Severe constipation like cramps.

Wed, October 17, 2018 5:35 PM

Hello, I have had crhons for years now and something that has effected me alot is whenever i go to the toilet, i get severe cramps for ages on the toilet. I keep going back to my doctor but they dont really do anything except tell me to just stay on the molvicol, which is what i take to try and control it. I am on around 6 sachets of movicol a day and when i forget to take them sometimes the really bad pain occurs again when i go to the toilet, but the the movicol gives me diarrhrea and soemtimes some stomach cramps which is interfiering with my day to day basis but it is better than being in that really bad pain on the toilet for ages. My diet is good, lots of protein, fibre and carbs, I eat mostly chicken, fish vegtables and lots of fruit throughout the day. I also get alot of exersice like swimming and lifting weights throughout the week. i really dont understand what is cauing this pain and would like to be able to have no symptoms and not having to take lots of laxatives to the point when i am going to the toilet lots of times through out the day with diarrhea and some cramps. The medication I am on at the moment is Infliximab and azaphibrine. 

FPO Homeric
Joined Oct 17, 2018

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