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Lingering problems with a Fistula

Sat, October 20, 2018 8:54 AM

Hello, first time posting. I'll try to keep this as brief as I can - 
I was originally diagnosed with a fistula eight years ago and have had eight operations, the last one being six years ago. Since then I have had big spots come up now and then but it was manageable, (scans showed trace amounts of the infection remained).
Three years ago I had a big flare up where spots just kept coming and never went away (as my sister accidentally put vinegar in my bath), making me constantly uncomfortable. I took the bad decision of taking antibiotics (flucloxacillin, a very strong dose) and a new inflammation then grew and spread all over my backside, it's on the surface of the skin and looks and feels almost like how the skin blisters after a burn. 
The doctors think it's scar tissue but I don't think that's the case, it keeps changing size and grows and is more painful when I eat spicy or oily or flour/pastry based foods. I tried getting rid of it a year ago by drinking nothing but green juice for six months which seemed to be working, it got gradually smaller but I couldn't get it to go completely as the strain on my body was too much and as soon as I ate something it ballooned up again.

So I'm in a position where the doctors don't know what it is and neither do I. It's very sensitive, I feel i'm walking a tightrope all the time as it is so reactive. I've tried ice baths, cider vinegar and teatree oil on it, and various diets but they don't seem to work. I might try green juice again but only as a last resort as it plays havoc with my digestion and takes months to recover from. 
Has anyone experienced anything similar? Does anyone know what might work?  

Joined Oct 20, 2018

Sun, October 21, 2018 8:54 AM

Reply posted for Tim.

I’ve had multiple fistulas for years.  I have never heard of green juice.  Have you talked to a colerectal surgeon about have drains put in?  They really helped me a lot.

FPO charbs
Joined Oct 31, 2016

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