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How To Stop Rectal Bleeding?

Mon, January 27, 2020 8:01 AM

I have been bleeding since May 2019. Currently I take Apriso which is mesalamine. I take it daily. I don't know what caused the bleeding. I was following a healthy paleo diet at the time. My gastroenterologist gave me a colonoscopy back in August 2019 and stool samples whenever I take a blood test before my net appointment with him. The results of the colonoscopy and stool samples was that there was inflammation.

Along with the bleeding I experience gas and bloating. I'm removing  certain problamatic foods such as dairy, red meat, eggs, cruciferous vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, legumes. I also noticed certain high fodmap fruits made me gassy such as apples and pears. I'm eating fish, chicken, easy to digest vegetables, sweet potatoes, and healthy fats. Last week I bought VSL#3 which is a probiotic. I noticed less gas and bloating but I'm still suffering from rectal bleeding no matter what I do. Have you ever experienced rectal bleeding and how did you stop it?

FPO konachan982
Joined Jan 27, 2020

Wed, August 09, 2023 12:36 AM

Reply posted for konachan982.

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FPO jemijonson12
Joined Sep 14, 2022

Thu, March 12, 2020 8:09 PM

Reply posted for Marcus1970.

I have been having rectal bleeding since beginning of January 2020. Quit eating the same u mentioned does not help! I take Delzicol 6 tabs a day then when I started the rectal bleeding I was on prednisone for 42 days just need those today and tomorrow I start budesonide Er. Hope they help! This is very annoying and also I actually go days without a BMI but I have urgency all fay it seems and everytime just alot of passing gas and little crumbs of poo and blood!! So over this! I hope u find meds that help. If so please post! Tara .

FPO Fulltimer
Joined Mar 9, 2020

Tue, February 04, 2020 12:32 PM

Reply posted for konachan982.


Sorry to hear you're having these symptoms but you're not alone. I've been taking Apriso for ~2 years solid and am currently in a flare with symptoms similar to your own and VERY SLOWLY improving. Qualifying statement...I AM NOT A GASTROENTEROLOGIST..but I'll share my experience. Apriso is oral mesalamine. Mesalamine basically works topically vs. has to come into contact with enflamed tissue to be affective. IMO Apriso is a good maintainance med and doctors like to prescribe it because they figure their patients are more likely to use it vs rectal meds. The issue is that your bleeing is probably happening at the "end of the line" and the Apriso has to go through the entire digestive tract before it hits the area that needs it.

IMO, rectal mesalamine, either suppository or enema, will be more effective at actually getting rectal bleeding under control, and the Apriso can help keep it there. If you're like me, improvement will be slow (measured in weeks and mongths...not days). Suppository is effective if the bleeding is in the rectum only, while the enema will reach farther up into the sigmoid colon.

Good luck to both of us man. I'm dealing with the same issues as we speak. You're not alone. 

FPO Marcus1970
Joined Dec 2, 2019

Thu, January 30, 2020 9:50 PM

Reply posted for konachan982.

Hi! My name is Mattie and I have Crohn's. I'm really sorry to hear about your symptoms. I wish I could give you advice about stopping the rectal bleeding, but unfortunatley I don't have an answer. I also always have blood in my stool, with the amount depending on whether or not I'm particularly inflamed. Hopefully your inflammation will become controlled with this new diet you are trying and that will give you some relief. Praying for you!

FPO jarofclay47
Joined Aug 22, 2019

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