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Dealing with work?

Thu, May 16, 2013 12:48 AM

Hi Everyone, 
I am new here and have a question. I was diagnosed with UC around 5 years ago and have a really rough time keeping a job, this has caused incredible stress in my family, my wife is patient but is starting feel frustrated with me not being able to hold down a job. I do not have a lot of issues with the gastric part of the UC, mine tends to focus heavily on my joints. I am just starting to feel lost and worried, like I will never be able to be "normal" again. Employers are really not willing to work with someone who needs to take sick time constantly. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you, 

FPO gane
Joined May 16, 2013

Thu, June 13, 2013 2:43 PM

 Reply posted for gane.

Hi Ray,

I'm so sorry to hear about this struggle. You are certainly not alone in it.

The best case scenario, as mentioned in the previous comment, is to speak with your direct supervisor, or the appropriate person to explain what is happening and develop a plan. Depending on your industry and type of organization, they may be receptive to your needing to take sick time if you have a plan in place to counteract it. Could you work from home on days when you might not be able to make it in? Could you make up some hours on other days? This would go toward helping you and maintaining a more harmonious work environment - which is good for the employer and also your stress levels(!)

However, if you have tried this and it has not worked, or you don't feel it is appropriate or possible to try, it's also important to know your rights on the job. If you have sick time you are entitled to take it (if you go over it that's another story). In addition, both Crohn's and Colitis are on the national disabilities list, and employers are required to make reasonable accommodations for you. I spoke with a Crohn's patient recently who was given her own private bathroom in her office.  Not every employer will do this, obviously, but the conversation with HR is important. Can they convert some of your vacation time into sick time? Or just give you extra sick or disability leave time? Could you take more flexible regular hours?

If you are on the job hunt, you might try, if possible, to identify positions with a more flexible schedule and then bring up whatever accommodations you need once hired.  I realize that's easier said than done, especially in this economy.

That's as much as I can suggest without knowing more about the situation.  Good luck to you!


FPO ansalong
Joined Jun 18, 2008

Thu, May 23, 2013 10:29 AM

 Reply posted for gane.

Have you told your employer what is going on? If so, perhaps they could work with you for work from home / flexible hours? This might or might not work - I'm facing the same issue now, having just run out of sick time as of partway through the day I had a colonoscopy. I have told my employer what is going on... hopefully we can work something out.

FPO ejc
Joined May 21, 2013

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