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Traveling with Meds...

Wed, May 29, 2013 12:18 PM


I have just started my "journey" with CD this year. In July I will be flying halfway across the country for the first time with all of these meds. I was wondering if there were any tips any of you "veterans" may have had to ensure a successful trip. Any tips you guys have that makes this easier will be much appreciated! Any DON'Ts would also be appreciated. I know for sure I'll be packing them in my carry-on to avoid loss or theft, but that's all I have planned so far.

Thanks so much!

FPO fmkey88
Joined Mar 23, 2013

Thu, June 20, 2013 1:38 PM

 Reply posted for fmkey88.

I definitely put my meds in my carry-on. One of the hardest things for me is the plane trips because I feel trapped. I recently flew to London, a 10-hour plane ride, and was nervous most of the time. It helped that my fiance demanded an aisle seat for me. Also, definitely do stock up on things that normally make you feel better - for me it's water and ginger/ginger ale/ginger chews - so that you don't have to stress about it. Finally, I don't know what meds you're on but mine require refrigeration and I am not shy about making sure I have a fridge wherever I am staying. Hope this helps!

FPO annanas28
Joined Jun 20, 2013

Tue, June 11, 2013 12:51 AM

 Reply posted for fmkey88.

I have been living with Crohn's for over 17 years and travel regularly  for my job. I have always traveled with my meds as carry-on as you never know if you may be separated from your luggage. I always carry copies of my scripts as proof they are prescribed to me and can refill if lost or stolen - never have - and take the meds in the original chemist dispensed containers so they look legitimate. I have never been stopped or questioned by airline / airport security even internationally but did have one hotel chain question me discreetly after house keeping found my meds bag. Producing the prescriptions and explaining my health saw the concern disappear and a note placed in my guest file for the hotel chain which has helped in many other travel related requests with that chain since.

My only other advise is be calm, honest and open if asked about your meds. You got nothing to hide so don't hide.

Hope that helps. Most of all have fun and take photos :-)

FPO lbevan
Joined Jun 11, 2013

Thu, June 06, 2013 4:42 PM

 Reply posted for fmkey88.

Oops didn't mean to post that already...

So my advice is pretty simple.  Make sure you have your meds near you (like you said), and make sure you have something to drink and eat (if needed) so you can take your meds.  You'll obviously want to make sure you have enough of everything to get you through your trip too.

I didn't have any issues with meds on my trip.  It was more about making sure that I rested when I needed to and ate right, which is sometimes difficult when you're on vacation.  Anyhow, I hope you enjoy your trip and don't have any CD related issues!

FPO amb1981
Joined May 2, 2013

Thu, June 06, 2013 4:37 PM

 Reply posted for fmkey88.

Hi fmkey!  I am not a veteran (was just diagnosed a little over a month ago) but did just get back from vacation with my husband.  If we hadn't planned it several months ago and had non-refundable tickets I may not have gone.  I started treatment 2 days before we got on the plane, and I was lucky to start feeling better on the first day of our trip.  But I did take a small pharmacy with me because I had been in such bad shape before we left (Imuran, pain pills, stool softeners and laxatives because the  pain pills had me constipated.)

FPO amb1981
Joined May 2, 2013

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