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Chrohns and pregnant

Mon, August 25, 2014 7:58 AM

I'm 28 years old and 15 weeks pregnant. I was diagnosed with chrohns disease in 2013. I was in the middle of a flare up when I found out I was pregnant I wasn't sure if I could have the baby but I was hopeful that it would go into remission like so many other people who stories I read!! Well it didn't and I'm in horrible pain everyday. The meds don't seem to work and the only thing I can take for pain is Tylenol which does absolutely nothing!! My pain is the worst starting at 3-4 am and doesn't really calm down until 9 am. I hardly eat because after three bites I'm bent over in pain. I try drinking those boost nutrition drinks but those even send me into pain. I have no idea how I'm supposed to get my baby the nutrients it needs I cry all the time because I have no idea what's next and the pain is horrible!!! I'm so scared for my baby's health with the steroids and the amount of Tylenol I take...

FPO chelle6860
Joined Aug 25, 2014

Sun, November 23, 2014 4:53 PM

 Reply posted for chelle6860.

Hi Mama, I'm a student midwife and wish there was a magic wand to make your pregnancy what you wish it could be. A few suggestions that might make you feel better, try taking out the processed "formulas" that promise too much and go back to ancient feel good methods - bone broth (as for a bone at the butcher, put it in a crock pot for 12hrs with a Tablespoon of vinegar to extract the minerals and then add seasoning to taste)- it nutritive and healing with lots of minerals for you and the baby, eat protein however you can get it down - eggs, chicken, beef, etc - protein builds a baby. Also, try the "Hypnobabies" CD for positive pregnancy affirmations and calming meditation that will prepare you for labor and reduce your stress.
many blessings, C

FPO christinec
Joined Nov 22, 2014

Sun, October 05, 2014 3:24 PM

I've been there, only years ago in 2009. I have an idea of what you are going through and imaging the pains and anxiety you must be feeling is tearing me up. It was indeed one of the loneliest times of my life. To this day I still don't know who to talk too about it, but here's when I can advise; your environment, your mental state must be nurtured in order to overcome your pain. I wish so badly someone told me that back then. You deserve to go into remission and you will as you are supporting the life of another and your body should and will respond to those priorities but you have to first start by putting your mind there too because the brain is a very powerful thing. Along with the stress and anxiety of having crohns remember that you are also experiencing common increased hormones with motherhood so you're gonna be a bit on edge but you have too remember to tell yourself "No! I will not be unhappy" then stop to smell the flowers. The end result of my story has left me in shackles, constantly going back and day drwing of what could have been. You are right, many mothers go into remission during pregnancy but I think there are the few who need an extra hug or pep talk to get there. Be strong, live well and know that the pain will reside you just have to believe.

FPO racheln0el
Joined Oct 5, 2014

Sun, October 05, 2014 3:24 PM

 Reply posted for chelle6860.

I've been there, only years ago in 2009. I have an idea of what you are going through and imaging the pains and anxiety you must be feeling is tearing me up. It was indeed one of the loneliest times of my life. To this day I still don't know who to talk too about it, but here's when I can advise; your environment, your mental state must be nurtured in order to overcome your pain. I wish so badly someone told me that back then. You deserve to go into remission and you will as you are supporting the life of another and your body should and will respond to those priorities but you have to first start by putting your mind there too because the brain is a very powerful thing. Along with the stress and anxiety of having crohns remember that you are also experiencing common increased hormones with motherhood so you're gonna be a bit on edge but you have too remember to tell yourself "No! I will not be unhappy" then stop to smell the flowers. The end result of my story has left me in shackles, constantly going back and day drwing of what could have been. You are right, many mothers go into remission during pregnancy but I think there are the few who need an extra hug or pep talk to get there. Be strong, live well and know that the pain will reside you just have to believe.

FPO racheln0el
Joined Oct 5, 2014

Sun, October 05, 2014 3:24 PM

 Reply posted for chelle6860.

I've been there, only years ago in 2009. I have an idea of what you are going through and imaging the pains and anxiety you must be feeling is tearing me up. It was indeed one of the loneliest times of my life. To this day I still don't know who to talk too about it, but here's when I can advise; your environment, your mental state must be nurtured in order to overcome your pain. I wish so badly someone told me that back then. You deserve to go into remission and you will as you are supporting the life of another and your body should and will respond to those priorities but you have to first start by putting your mind there too because the brain is a very powerful thing. Along with the stress and anxiety of having crohns remember that you are also experiencing common increased hormones with motherhood so you're gonna be a bit on edge but you have too remember to tell yourself "No! I will not be unhappy" then stop to smell the flowers. The end result of my story has left me in shackles, constantly going back and day drwing of what could have been. You are right, many mothers go into remission during pregnancy but I think there are the few who need an extra hug or pep talk to get there. Be strong, live well and know that the pain will reside you just have to believe.

FPO racheln0el
Joined Oct 5, 2014

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