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Hard to make friends

Fri, June 20, 2008 12:00 AM

I had a resection in 1981. When you are married being sick is not a problem since your spouse can help you or you can help them when he is sick.

My life changed Jan 18, 2007. Now I have to start all over making new friends who could understand what is Crhon's Disease .  What I have to go threw every day.

It is embrassing to go to friend homes with my condition. You have an emergency and need to use the bathroom. After the use of the bathroom ,  I then turn into a clean women to clean  my splattering spots. After the use of the bathroom,they tell me what is that smell. I am full of gas, uncomfortable, uncomfortable using strange bathrooms. I do have friends but I do not eat out. I eat once a day . This way I do not run to the bathroom.

My friends ask me to go to a dance, community meeting I turn them down.Never knowing if there is more than one bathroom around. I am always tired. Life at 62 is not great . When I was younger Crhons Disease did not effect me like does now. I refuse to date. I love friends, love to help people, but when you are alone no one is around to help you.

FPO hopeless
Joined Jun 19, 2008

Thu, July 03, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for hopeless.

dear hopeless,

don't fret, sounds like you've been through a lot since 1981. you must have friends and family who love you no matter what.

hopefully this website can help you to change your name from hopeless to hopeful!

since you are a woman.. they make a small lysol spray purse size which is great! and we can bring all sorts of things in our purses to mask the smell. it's normal for *** to stink!

don't sit around to let life pass you by. live your life and enjoy! people ask you out cause they enjoy your company. go! and have fun!


FPO nybaggage
Joined Jul 2, 2008

Thu, July 03, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for hopeless.

dear hopeless,

don't fret, sounds like you've been through a lot since 1981. you must have friends and family who love you no matter what.

hopefully this website can help you to change your name from hopeless to hopeful!

since you are a woman.. they make a small lysol spray purse size which is great! and we can bring all sorts of things in our purses to mask the smell. it's normal for *** to stink!

don't sit around to let life pass you by. live your life and enjoy! people ask you out cause they enjoy your company. go! and have fun!


FPO nybaggage
Joined Jul 2, 2008

Tue, July 01, 2008 10:27 AM

 Reply posted for hopeless.

Hi Hopeless

that what i used to go through, especially when i was on the road, I was a truck driver for over 22 years, can u imagine what i went thru, I found ways for years to get thru my day. I finally retired, im only 47 i had major operation in 2006 after 28 operations but it was my fault for not finding the right doctor to proceed in what i had.. i could have sued for millions but i found the right Hospital in Calif..USC medical, after a long 15 hour operation, plastic surgery, and now i have a colostomy bag, i can do what ever i want,i can take long vacation drives with out goin to the bathroom cause the it all goes in the bag lol, ur paassenger has to go but u all ready did, thats the funny part of it all, you can go to #2 without anyone knowing it, and laugh about it.. I was not ready to see an object hang out of my side, i was sinny unhealthy, i can eat 5 burgers and never gain an ounce, BUT now i got my life back, i gained my lbs back, alittle too much but im losin again lol, BUT im alive and healthy...dont say NO to getting cured at least fight it, i am and i still do..I can sit here and tell u all the things i have gone thru and by the time id be done, ill bet u will call a DOC to get u back to life again....i beleive in LIFE..if you dont take care of this well things can happens and worse later on. i waited 5 years to can be reversed on the process, if it's not to late... get checked out..I cant get mine reversed caus eit was to late but im still alive that all i care... I AM WHO I AM take me as i am...


Take care please reply if you have any questions  will support anyone that needs help...  thnxs.....Autm

FPO hawkeye
Joined Jul 1, 2008

Tue, June 24, 2008 11:31 AM

 Reply posted for hopeless.

I understand exactly how you feel.  Look up on the computer (  It is a small bottle spray that you can take with you anywhere.  Simply spray before you go to bathroom into the toilet.  Somehow it neutralizes the odor pretty well.  You can also spray after using toilet for extra help.  Hope it helps a little.  It really helps to feel more comfortable going in public.  I also tell all my friends up front that I have Crohns.  Most want to know what it is and I simply say it's a digestive disease that affects my  intestines.  I basically say that my stomach is messed up without going into details.  They frequently ask how I am doing, but never comment on anything negative.  Even my sister who is very outspoken and would call anybody out for stinking up a bathroom has never said anything negative about the smell.  She has said I feel so bad for you because you can't help it.  Try being open , it seems to take away the uncomfortableness in the long run.

FPO shaymills21
Joined Jun 12, 2008

Mon, June 23, 2008 10:46 PM

 Reply posted for hopeless.

Hi there!

I have been diagnosed for past year.  I am 46.  I hate going to Kmart and having to use the public bathroom! Ugh.  But okay, if I have to do this, and often I HAVE TO. Here are some ideas to make it go better at friends' bathrooms, public bathrooms, etc.

Flush right after each stool, it sucks a lot of odor with the flush.

Sometimes I run the sink water and the bathroom fan to cover the "noise." 

Carry a really good air freshener.  Maybe check in at a medical supply store for one that is for ostomy patients. 

Carry lysol disinfecting wipes for easy clean up.

Consider drinking chlorophyl for reducing the odor of your stools.  (ask your doctor first)  There is chlorophyl tablets and liquid at healthfood stores.

Always realize you are just using the facility for what it is meant for, so dont worry about it. 

Good luck and remember that everyone has problems.  Consider dating, whoever you date will not be perfect either.

FPO lin
Joined Mar 18, 2008

Sun, June 22, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for hopeless.

Aw, I totally understand what you mean. For the longest time I didn't even want to go to anyone's house because I was embarassed that I'd have to find some way to clean up when I was finished...and that it still wouldn't be good enough. It's just hard in general...I mean I'm so lucky to have friends who are very understanding. They always listen, but I hope I don't annoy them too much talking about it lol. But anyway, even though I know they understand and wouldn't make fun of me or anything, it doesn't change the fact that it can be embarassing. I mean most of the time I have to use the bathroom as soon as I wake up or eat I'm worried about spending the night at a friend's house or going out with a bunch of friends when the evening starts with dinner. If dinner is at the end at least I can get home and do what I need to do...but when eating comes first I don't want to have to excuse myself from the table and make it so obvious what is going on. I guess what we have to realize is that it will always be somewhat embarassing, but the less embarassed we are by it, the more accepting other people will be. I've tried to be very open with my friends...and many of them luckily I can have full conversations with and they don't go "ewww gross!" I wish I didn't have Crohn's but I try to tell myself there are so many worse things. Best of luck to you!

FPO stuckonyestrday
Joined Jun 21, 2008

Sat, June 21, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for hopeless.

Good morning Hopeless,

That makes me very sad, I have had Crohns now for 33yrs and please don't let it stop your life.  Tell your friends about it, I carry a can of air freshner in my purse.  If they are truly friends they will ask what can they do, they will understand the smell and many other complications. Go out to the dance and meet people you will be surprised how many people are so very compastionate and understanding.  As you sound like you are one of those people.  Keep your head up and talk to as many people as you can about it, you will see things will get better and your anxiety will start to go away.  Best of luck your fellow Crohny,


FPO littlestar
Joined Jul 26, 2008

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