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Stress is probably killing me literally. Should I quit my job?

Mon, August 03, 2015 2:39 PM

So, I work as an accountant.  I have exactly one year at the company I'm at, so not that much.  It has been a really tough year work and health wise.  My boss knows I have Crohn's.  I was recently promoted in March,  and my boss sucks horribly.  She can't seem to be consistent about rules and expectations and it has been very stressful working for her.
I recently started going back to school to pick up a few more accounting classes and start my master's in accounting, so I can take my CPA one day and make my resume better to hope to get out from under my boss.  This of course, added to my stress.  
I want to just quit my job now and live off my SO's income.  My fear is that having two gaps in my resume,will hurt me a lot looking for a future job.  My reason for this gap would be going back to school, but the other one is harder to explain since it was medical related.  
For the sake of my health, stress and sanity, I want to quit and financially could.  However, logically my brain is saying, money and career.  More money is good therefore keep at it and if I quit I'd will regret it later when I try to get another job.  I like having excess money to save and do what we want with.  My current job has good health insurance.  I can pick it up privately, but it'd cost me a lot more.  Quitting now would mean resetting my deductible and paying a bunch of costs up front again(remicaid).  If I had planned better I would have held off on school till Jan., but I didn't. 
Do you think I am right to think about quitting my job?   I'm worried though b/c my remicaid has not been effective this last dose (hoping it starts working again this next dose as we switched to every 7 weeks instead of 8) and I hope I'm not causing it b/c of stress. 

I feel so stuck.  Any advice is appreciated.  Thanks

FPO aos
Joined Aug 3, 2015

Mon, December 07, 2015 4:02 PM

 Reply posted for aos.

I agree with Victoria, let them fire you.  I think that I may be able to top your boss with what mine told me (along with his boss).  I was called into his office, where I was told that 'someone' complained that I smelled like dog excrement.  No joke here!  I was highly offended and I still am.  First of all, I bathe every day and wash thoroughly (i know, TMI).  I have had UC for the last 26 years and I have never been told this.  In March of 2014, I had a major flare and  type A & B of the flu.  Plus, I was in respiratory distress and had pulmonary emboli in both lungs, but that is neither here nor there.  My poor little colon has never functioned the same since this flare and sometimes, I have 'issues' and leak.  Needless to say, I felt utterly humiliated and every other feeling one might have.  But, I have learned that people with UC and Crohns are protected by the Americans with Disability Act.  This act defines a disability as "a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one of more major life activities of such individual."  It defines 'a major life activity also includes the operation of a major bodily function, including but not limited to, functions of the immune system, normal cell growth, digestive, bowel, bladder, neurological, brain, respiratory, circulatory, endocrine, and reproductive functions.'

Stress will only make your condition worse.  Do what is best for you. 

Good luck to you.

FPO tallfemme2002
Joined Dec 7, 2015

Wed, November 04, 2015 5:18 PM

 Reply posted for aos.

You don't have to quit - they'll fire you. They'll find their way around the law and find some other reason. I can tell you that after being unemployed for about a year, I realized that the stress that had been lifted was huge! In my experience, stress is a huge factor in this disease. I think stress triggered my disease. I think the stress of work darn near killed me/is killing me. And when I get real stressed, like a fight with a loved one, I get immediate onset abdominal pain and cramping and have to run straight to the bathroom.
So you can just decide for yourself if you want to keep making money while you can. But make no mistake, the stress (including the lies about how you can live with this disease) will kill you!

FPO victoriawhitt
Joined Aug 16, 2013

Tue, August 04, 2015 9:40 AM

Please review our factsheet on “Employment and Inflammatory Bowel Disease .   The fact sheet includes more information about ADA (American's with Disability ACT) and work place accommodations.

FPO administrator
Joined Oct 12, 2017

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