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Problems/Questions about Work

Thu, August 13, 2015 4:23 PM

There's probably a lot of work-related topics on this forum and more, but I need to ask this somewhere because we have a bad gastroenterologist (may be wrong if there is another doctor "type" named like that) who basically said "call if you bleed" and never helped us any more. We are looking to find a new one, but my parents are taking me to Florida for a vacation for a week, so it will be some time before then.

I am not sure when exactly I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, but I was still in high school at the time. (I'm 21 now) I didn't go to college because of my UC and have never worked before. I have finally decided I want to work so I can possibly move out of my parent's house. I don't know if this is a good idea, but money from work can be useful for more things. I am payed for my disability, but it goes towards sharing house bills, groceries, etc. Whether using the money for "wants" or anything I need but can't afford, it would really help to have a job.

However I flare up a lot. I wouldn't doubt its my diet, but I am also a very picky eater. If vegetables help, I don't like vegetables at all. There is a lot of food I will just never touch. Most of them are food my doctors tell me I should eat. So I'm still having problems, don't know how to drive, (afraid of driving) and have never worked before.

Is there any good way to start? I don't know where to go from here. I usually take immodium a lot for my flare ups but it's a hit-and-miss. Sometimes it gets rid of my flare-ups for a long time, and sometimes it does nothing.

FPO nonemployee
Joined Aug 13, 2015

Wed, November 04, 2015 5:38 PM

 Reply posted for nonemployee.

Being able to go to work would be so good for me, so I say if you want to, then try. I'd try under the table. I can't get Disability (they think I'm lying about how sick I am) (& people at work treated me the same way, btw), so if you have it, do everything you can to keep it! I'm going to lose my house - it's only a matter of time. My friends are long gone, and my small family has mostly passed away, so I have nowhere to go.
I've tried it both ways: telling them I'm sick, and not telling them. And I've had disasters each time. They misinterpret everything, they think I'm lying, and then the lay me off, or, in the 2nd case wrote a ridiculous performance review that was chock full a flat lies, and fired me. I tried to fight it, from several directions (internally, EEOC, ADA lawyers) but got nowhere.

FPO victoriawhitt
Joined Aug 16, 2013

Tue, August 25, 2015 10:10 AM

 Reply posted for nonemployee.


I am sorry to hear that you struggle with Crohn's on a continual basis!  Definitely find another GI doctor!  

I have been dealing with crohn's since I was 17.  I am 31 now.  I have worked the entire time.  Probably even when I shouldn't have but  I was young and stupid.  The best thing I have found to do in our situation is to tell the truth from the get go.  Some people fear mentioning it thinking they won't get the job.  I have found most people (the one's worth working for anyway) appreciate the honesty.   I am upfront about the fact that there are times I will have to be out but that I am a very hard worker.    Maybe try a part-time low stress job first.  Just to ease yourself into it.  I admire you for wanting to work despite your struggle.  Anyone worthwhile will admire you and understand also.  Now this is just my experience and opinion.  Please do what is best for YOU!  Good luck with everything!

FPO meganq3
Joined Aug 24, 2015

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