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Specific Carb Diet

Wed, July 02, 2008 10:19 PM

I am looking at the Specific Carb Diet to help with my Crohn's symptoms.  I cannot eat fresh fruit or vegetables but I think I will still give it a try.  Has anyone else tried it?


FPO sgramenz
Joined Jun 11, 2008

Mon, July 21, 2008 5:43 PM

 Reply posted for sgramenz.

I have had UC since 1987 and through trial and error I find minimal solutions for maintance.  This past year I've discovered the 'Paleo Diet' which eliminates all carbs including beans and  grains.  I felt great for a long time until I fell off the 'no carb' wagon for a bit.  The culprit for me foodwise seems to be sugar, not spicy or raw or fiber!  When I eat carbs, sugar, cake, beans, bread, pasta etc...I begin to regain the symptoms that I tried so hard to forget about.  I eat lots of berries, fruit, vegs, meat, meat, meat, and fish.....lots of protein including nuts.  This works for me but I don't know if this is for Chrons,  You can find it online or in the bookstore and create your own diet following the idea of the diet. 

FPO zoe
Joined Jul 21, 2008

Mon, July 14, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for sgramenz.

This is not a good idea... to eliminate fruits and vegetables is very unwise. Fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidants and phytonutrients to say the least and spinach is especially anti-inflammatory. Most if not all breads and grains are pro-inflammation, and excess systemic inflammation within the body is very much related to the preventable pains of IBD. If you want to help yourself, don't stop your research there with the Specific Carb Diet. Also, it's good to know that you can obtain the nutritional benefits of raw fruits and vegetables with a juicer, and they are the antithesis of bland. The best thing to do for treatment and prevention while utilizing food as medicine is to read about the Inflammation Factor, or the IF rating of foods, and learning how to put yourself in a positive range by the end of each day, which is to say, eating for anti-inflammation.

Another thing... diets don't work. Lifestyle changes do. You probably already know that though.

Last words: probiotics, prebiotics, fermented foods, and digestive enzymes. Make sure you know and trust your sources. Positive intestinal flora contributors are so important, but you'll only know after a long-term decision to stick to them daily & forevermore has been exercised.

Also, proteins help with food cravings as well as maintain muscle.

The proof is in the yogurt.

Wow, I'm a dork. Do lots of research. There's so much to know floating around out there. Make sure you get the truth. Know as much as you can about as much as you can.

Take time to learn... you're worth it. Good luck. Be strong.


FPO quarmla
Joined Jun 28, 2008

Mon, July 07, 2008 6:02 PM

 Reply posted for sgramenz.


When my son was first diagnosed with Crohn's in Jan of this year I decided to try the SCD.  I think what convinced me to try it was the reviews on the Amazon site of the SCD book.  I bought several cookbooks, ordered almond flour from Honeville Farms (best price) and we were on our way.  My son ate well on the diet and did not notice a big difference in his health--he remembers feeling a bit tired and had softer BM's.  I felt much more energetic on the diet and did not get headaches (probably because I was eating no processed foods and no sugar).  He is a distance swimmer and probably does better with more carbs than he could reasonably consume on the SCD.

I realized he could not fanatically follow the diet while away at college so decided we needed to see what regular foods and meds did for him.  Again, no big difference.  He seems fine.  Maybe in the future if his Crohn's is out of control we will again visit the SCD. 

I recommend reading the reviews from people at on the variety of books for the SCD. 

It is a healthy diet if you can tolerate fresh fruits and veg--which many people say they cannot.  It could get heavy on the protein--eggs,meat, yogurt.  (You are supposed to make your own yogurt that you ferment for 24 hrs to remove all lactose).  Still, it is pretty healthy.

Good luck!  It seems harder in the beginning, when you have to think so much.  Write down what you make/eat so you can refer back to it.

Oh, also, visit for SCD info. and great recipes.


FPO sueymac
Joined Jan 14, 2009

Thu, July 03, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for sgramenz.

Good morning,

I have had Crohns for 33 years now,  I also have a very hi carb diet, but I do eat some fresh fruits and veggies,  I try to eat fruit without seeds and stay away from grapes they are very hard to digest. as far as veggies, I buy all fresh and steam them really well,  if I eat them uncooked I tend to have some problems digesting them, over the years there have been times when I can eat them with out a problem and them other times have problems.  I love watermelon, cantalope, and peaches and plums, if you eat them do it in moderation, this may help you avoid Crohns problems.  Same for the Veggies.  I hope I was able to help you a little bit, stay strong and just test things out, every Crohns patient is different.


FPO littlestar
Joined Jul 26, 2008

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