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Getting back to work

Wed, July 13, 2016 2:08 PM

A close friend of mine was laid off in June of 2015. He had been dealing with a stomach issue for a year and a half that was later diagnosed as UC in March of 2016. He was laid off because of company problems so nothing pertaining to his health problem. However, the combination of UC and losing his job have taken a toll on his happiness. He is still trying to find the right medicines to deal with the UC. He does not have any pain from UC but urgency to use the restroom is a big problem. With this being said, he feels as if he cannot work for fear of having to use the restroom a lot, perhaps even during a job interview. I am trying to help in any way, but I am losing my patience. I feel he could get a job even working from home rather than just laying around. So I am not sure if he is just using UC as an excuse. Could anyone give me some suggestions on what the next step should be for him in terms of medications or how to approach a job with UC?

FPO cg2396
Joined Jul 13, 2016

Tue, January 31, 2017 8:48 AM

 Reply posted for mads.

If your suffering with Crohn's or UC or both and it has caused repossession, anxiety, etc.  You can get SSDI.  Just get your diagnosis and fifth to get it.  Show them how weak it has made you and that you are unable to work because of it.

Mom of son with Crohn's Colitis

FPO momebac
Joined Dec 14, 2015

Mon, October 31, 2016 12:14 PM

 Reply posted for cg2396.

It's unfortunate but some places really suck. I've lost 4 jobs because of Crohns issues. I'm now where you'd least expect (a barista/ prep chef at two restaraunts) but my employers are really caring. *** I left my bakery job and tried and office job -was horrible for Crohns, they were kind of nice about it but I had to quit because it was way too hard on my health. I went back to my old job and then got another one like it. I tried working at a different restaurant for a while and they were such d***s about it and fired me (they're very popular and I'm just shocked they treated someone like that). Some people are willing to have you on if they know your value - others are not so nice.

FPO mads
Joined Oct 2, 2016

Sun, September 25, 2016 6:49 AM

Dealing with these issues can be very hard. And, to be  honest, it is VERY humiliating to have to deal with issues because you did not make it to the toilet in time.  

I have Crohn's disease and have been dealing with it for about 25 years now. In the past 12  years I have had a lot more issues than ever before, especially relating to anxiety about getting to the toilet when needed. I plan my trips so that I know where toilets are. I carry a change of clothes in my car, in my backpack/laptop bag I take with me to work and workshops everyday, I have a change of clothes in my office.  All just in case.
For those of us who deal with this, these are real considerations that need to be thought about and addressed. I am lucky that I have managed to have, essentially, my own toilet since I got my current job.  As a teacher, it is incredibly helpful to have a toilet nearby, and when my classroom was moved I was able to argue successfully to have a toilet installed near my room/office. 

All of this weighs heavily on the mind of the sufferer. It can lead to depression and feelings of hopelessness. Try and be supportive. Listen and try to help your friend to make a plan and address the issues as they come. Also, help him  to plan contingencies for what he can do to deal with issues.

Just try and think how you would feel  if you knew you had a bad case of the runs, everyday,  and you weren't sure when you would need to go to the toilet. How would you cope.

FPO thescienceguy
Joined Jul 8, 2016

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