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the weight issue

Wed, July 09, 2008 8:11 PM

Can someone help me understand how so many people are underweight with Crohn's? I know I don't eat very much during the day, but I guess pig out at night since I am overweight. I was on steriods for a while, but I don't think I have ever been underweight. I am trying to lose weight, but its hard when I have absolutely no energy. Suggestions?

























FPO krbuerg
Joined Nov 23, 2008

Tue, July 22, 2008 4:10 PM

 Reply posted for krbuerg.

I too have Crohns and am overweight by about 40 pounds. Most of my weight is from my first time with Prednisone back in 2000. I gained 20 pounds in 8 weeks. Then got pregnant for the first time and gained another 30 pounds. And then another pregnancy without losing much of the weight from the first pregnancy. So now I am on Prednisone again (as well as other drugs to keep me in remission, Asacol, Remicaide) and I dont even want to know what I weigh! I am hungry all the time!

FPO myaandiansmommy
Joined May 12, 2008

Mon, July 21, 2008 4:42 PM

 Reply posted for krbuerg.

I have U.C. and can't keep weight on me, but when I was younger I had the hardest time getting the weight off when I went off steroids, all I can say is make good choices in eating and when you get a minute and feel up to it exercise, although I don't blame you at all if you can't cause my idea of exercising is chasing my kids around when they are naughty
If you are really struggling I would talk to your doctor about it!

FPO mommy2twinz
Joined Jul 24, 2008

Mon, July 21, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for krbuerg.

have you ever lost a significant amount of weight during a flare up? i lose weight during a flare from so much diarrhea and anorexia but gain it back plus a bunch more from the steroids. i'm still trying to lose weight from 9mos of prednisone...i'm not skinny, i'm just trying to get down to a healthy weight. the only thing that keeps my crohns in check is daily exercise. initially i was exhausted after exercise but now have much more energy and don't need to take a nap every day. it's hard to get that nighttime eating under control, that was my biggest challenge but i have lost 7 lbs so that's the motivator that keeps me going

FPO aamommy2
Joined Jul 20, 2008

Fri, July 18, 2008 3:09 PM

 Reply posted for krbuerg.

Hey Lady!

I have to laugh because I can completely understand where you are coming from. I was diagnosed with Crohns in october of last year and since then i have had a resection. And I am overweight too! lol... Like you when i have a flare i loose like 20-30 pounds but then once controlled i eat ,,, and for me like no tomorrow at times, just because i miss all that food. Right now i am in the in between stage so it is just stricly mashed potatoes and periogies but they have to be boiled... ymmm... and i am still going to the bathroom , and y et i am not loosing weight... i dont get it at all myself..... but like the one comment people think that just because you are overweight that your disease is in controll and from my own experience ,,,, that is not true... So keep your head up and love your body for what it is and every one else will follow!

FPO jackie1980
Joined Jun 27, 2008

Thu, July 17, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for krbuerg.

  Hi, krbuerg,  postal-me here.  How do you loose weight w/crohns?  It's almost to easy to explain but nothing w/Crohns is easy.  Here goes.  When your intestines are inflamed your system cannot absorb the nutrients to keep your body healthy.  When that happens you loose weight!  I'm probably making it to simple but thats it in a nutshell from my understanding.  Back in 91' I went in the hospital at 135lbs. and came out at 112?.  I'm now at 185 give or take 5lbs. depending on my cycle.  So if you weight is stationary then  enjoy because when CD is active thats when you will loose the weight and you really don't want to be active just to loose ths lbs.  RIGHT???.  Hope this helps.  KEEP SMILING

FPO postal-me
Joined Mar 16, 2008

Wed, July 16, 2008 11:45 PM

 Reply posted for krbuerg.

I thought I was the only overweight person with Crohn's :)  I was always overweight, even when I lost 30 pounds during my first flare.  Then 2 years of high dose steriods cause me to gain a lot of weight.  Once I had my ostomy surgery and could eat, I gained even more weight.  It's hard to go on a diet when most things that are good for me cause me to have blockages.  And the last two times I tried to do an exercise program I got hernias.  Now I'm having a bad flare.  I've lost 20 pounds, and my diet is VERY restricted when I do feel like eating.  It irritates the crap out of me when some people think it's great that I've lost weight, even though they know it's because I'm sick.

FPO beadgrrl
Joined Jul 16, 2008

Mon, July 14, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for krbuerg.

People are underweight with IBD because the affected digestive system may not absorb & digest properly, especially during a flare. ALSO, people are underweight with IBD due to pain-induced anorexia. I didn't understand when I was first diagnosed how I or anyone with Crohn's could become anorexic, because prior to diagnosis I had been eating ravenously for months every 30 minutes daily, and would rise in the middle of the night starving... and I was losing weight rapidly. But maybe it has something to do with the amount of scar tissue that builds up, because it hasn't been a year now and though I'm technically in remission, I can't even look at solid food without thinking, "outch," and I've eliminated it.

REGARDLESS -- I gain weight.

Here is the answer you're looking for: people with IBD don't just lose weight. Though all of the texts claim this, I assume it is for the purpose of diagnosing a flare, wherein weight loss is most common. When in remission, one can become overweight and even obese. Some people with IBD (a small percent) also have a type that switches from diarrhea to constipation and back, leading to weight fluctuation. I remember being so constipated in high school that I couldn't eat a prune a day without gaining weight. I've gone from 109 lbs to 158 and back again many a time, and I've heard of larger fluctuations than this. Exercise and pain levels are probably just as related as metabolism to the phenomena.

Also, interesting enough, it is possible to be overweight and simultaneously mal-nourished. Food for thought. I still have yet to come accross the exact "why" of the fluctuation... so anyone more informed, please share...

Thanks and good luck, and remember that everyone is different...



FPO quarmla
Joined Jun 28, 2008

Sun, July 13, 2008 4:16 PM

 Reply posted for krbuerg.

I have UC and I'm also over weight, Most people with UC tend to be thinner and I just don't understand it. The steroids make you hungry and swollen and I've been on prednisone for 4 weeks and I tend to eat too many carbs, since they are easy to handle with my disease. It's hard because  I can't have too many fruits and vegetables. I have talked to my doctor about it and he really wants me to take the weight off. I also can't exercise because of joint pain associated with IBD. I feel as stuck as you and people tend to think if you are overweight, then the disease must not be too bad. For me it is and it sucks!

FPO andrea1916
Joined Jun 19, 2008

Fri, July 11, 2008 11:15 PM

 Reply posted for krbuerg.

I have the same problem. I am overweight and have crohn's disease. The best way to loose weight is to cut your carbs.

FPO mattison30
Joined Jul 9, 2008

Thu, July 10, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for krbuerg.

Most people are underweight because your food may not absorb well when you have Crohn's so its harder to get the calories you need to maintain your weight. I am heavier now than I was due to Steriods (prednisone), but during my flare I lost 30 pounds!

FPO lasinda1
Joined Jun 19, 2008

Wed, July 09, 2008 11:23 PM

 Reply posted for krbuerg.

Hi there,

I completely relate to this topic. I have UC and continue to be about 20 lbs overweight. I keep wondering with the amount of flares etc, how is it I don't lose weight!  I feel so frustrated by the whole thing and my doctor seems perplexed as well.  I will say, the exercise is helping some. I used to love running but had to stop when the flares got so bad. Now I swim and I am slowly losing a few pounds. Still, it seems like an uphill battle.

If you find an answer to this I would love to know. Please know you are not alone.

all my best,


FPO betterdays
Joined Jun 12, 2008

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