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Sick of it all

Fri, July 18, 2008 2:50 AM

Hi, my name is David. I am 27 years old and live in Australia. I have been diagnosed with colitis since 2004. Im currently on 25mg of Prednisolone and 3gms of Sulfasalazine at the moment to treat a minor but painful flare up. I am possibly going through what is the most depressing period of my life. I think it has more to do with the meds than it does the actual colitis. I am so wired all the time on steroids, and get sickening headaches from the Salazopyrin. People around me have no idea. You explain, and they forget. In the end you choose not to tell anyone. I mean, you could talk about diabetes over the dinner table but are you really going to explain the symptoms of IBD while people are eating? Im tired of people telling me I always look sick (Im almost 6 feet and weigh just 60kgs). So I just try to ignore the fact that I have it and I go and get drunk with friends who don't ask questions. I also smoke and generally mess up my body because that is the only way I can counter the side effects of the drugs. Im sick anyway, may as well have some fun and go all the way. I know thats not the answer, but its the only way I know how to deal with it, and yes, Ive explained these side effects to my doctor(s). To them its nothing. You want to know the funny thing? Whenever I make a decision to quit smoking and be healthier, that is when I always get a flare up! I have this for the rest of my life. I thought it would get easier, but it doesnt. I eat a lot, but never gain weight. I am an extremely nervous person all the time, which doesnt help either. Sorry if this is depressing everybody but I have to let it out somewhere, and rather than punch a wall and go to the hospital yet again, I think its best I do it here. Ill probably feel better tomorrow. Some days are better than others. Im not a quitter, and there is too much love around me to ever consider something as selfish as suicide. I know Im not alone, and that is what keeps me going.

FPO true blue
Joined Jul 18, 2008

Thu, July 31, 2008 5:28 PM

 Reply posted for True Blue.

I am so tired and depressed too! I have moderate to severe crohn's disease. I have been on tons of steroids and pentasa, and remicade. I was diagnosed in 2001 and in 2002 I had to have a bowel resection, and just recently in july 2008 another bowel resection, I am tired of the allergic reactions to all of the medications, the severe pain, missing work, the surguries, and not having anyone I can talk to about all of this. Has anyone else had to under go resections with their crohn's dx?

FPO robbydob
Joined Jul 31, 2008

Wed, July 30, 2008 10:23 AM

 Reply posted for True Blue.

What's up brother. I am right there with you. I completly know your frustration. Beleive me I KNOW! I am 34 and have had this rechid (spelling?) disease for 14 years now. I am sick and tired of how extremely intrusive it is into my life. Here's my perspective. I see it this way. In a way the disease is a gift. The disease gives me a freedom in life many others never get to enjoy. Unlike so many others I just don't say life is short I KNOW it because I am living it!!!! Consequently, I truly live my life to the absolute fullest. And, I mean the absolute fullest!!!! I do whatever my heart desires as long as my actions are not bringing potential harm upon others. I skydive, ride motorcycles, chase skunks and skirts. I love it!!! I get to do all the things other people do and more sometimes I just get to the finish line with poo in my pants. Here's my philosiphy. I would rather live 50 good years enjoying my life to the absolute fullest than 85 years dragging things out and not enjoying myself at all. What I am trying to say is the disease is an excuse to take it all in while you can. Listen my passion is traveling. Yes, this is very difficult with Crohn's/Ulcerative Colitis. Yes, I have both. But, I still do it. Don't let lack of money, people's opinions, doctors, illnesses, or any of those adversities stop you from having fun. No I am not wrecklessly wild but yes I do enjoy myself and only take risks that involve my own life.
Dude, I travel alot. I live in the US and I may be in your area soon. We should hang out commiserate and just plain live it up dude! Beleive me after I leave life will seem boring. Do you ever throw snowballs at police cars in the winter? It's great fun.
My email is

FPO roneth1974
Joined Mar 24, 2008

Mon, July 28, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for True Blue.

Hey Dave just reading your comment.  I feel sad and depressed sometimes too.  I was recently diagnosed with Crohn's in February 2008.  I have had terrible pain for yours.  It stopped for a short period when I was on Prednisone.  It is so easy to be discouraged. I recently scheduled an appointment to see a dietician to see if she has any suggestions to make my days less painful.   It is a drag sometime but just try to take the best care of yourself.  I continue to hope that someday this pain will go away.  Do other things besides drink and smoke to take the pain away.

Take Care and I hope you are feeling better.

FPO lphilly
Joined May 22, 2008

Mon, July 21, 2008 9:57 PM

 Reply posted for True Blue.

I am truly sorry for you and fully understand having been there myself.  There are days when it just gets too hard to want to deal with, but you have to remember that most of the melancoly is from the prednisone.  Prednisone is a great drug to cure but it also kills a bit of you with every mg.  Take great care in what you can take or do to counteract the prednisone.  During my first experience with the drug 23 years ago I was sick and couldn't get out of bed, I couldn't eat or anything.  Headaches were uncontrollable and the colon and stomach was like having labor pains!..(so I'm told).  Ask your doctor for something like xanax or some moderate anti whatever to counter the ridgid and course feeling that you get with prednisone.  Also, stay away from caffine, coke, anything wtih a stimulant.  Althought I'm not the postergirl for UC, I have survived the embarrassment, the pain and the seclusion for over 23 years..and I keep on doing it.  This is the first time I have been able to contact anyone who has lived my's a good feeling for once.  Good luck and keep asking questions........

FPO zoe
Joined Jul 21, 2008

Sun, July 20, 2008 5:28 PM

 Reply posted for True Blue.

Sorry, submitted before I was done.

This stuff is very frustrating because the disease and meds effects everyone differntly.  The best thing to do is find a way to roll with the punches and keep from letting is bother you as much as possible.  I told you I've had this for 25 years and now having an attitude problem so I'm not saying it's easy or figured it out completely myself.

My answer this time around seems to be spending time in this forum, taking some time to relax and calmly think through the situation and taking some vacation days to get away from everything with my family and do some fishing and chilling out.

Sorry for the novel but you just became part of my therapy.  Talking to someone who understands 10 bm's a day with pain and bleeding on a regular basis.  And looking better than you feel.

If you would like to talk more directly I would be glad to exchange emails.  I'm oceans away and not likely we'll ever meet so you'll have someone that understands what you are feeling and that you can say anything your feeling.  Let me know if I can help.  Glad to listen.

FPO steve
Joined Jun 27, 2008

Sun, July 20, 2008 5:09 PM

 Reply posted for True Blue.

Hi David,

Sorry things have been going tough for you lately.  Hope today is a better day.

You said some good things.  I'm glad you have support and love that you recognize around you.  That makes a huge difference.  The fact you are on this forum is also a good thing.  Seeing what others are experiencing and thinking has certainly been a help to me.

I have had UC for about 25 years and was diagnosed about the same age you were.  Am having a harder time getting over this current flare and the doctor started talking about Remicade.  Like you, having as much difficulty with my attitude as anything now.  Hydrocortisone has made a big dent in my symptoms.

You are right, you have this for the rest of your life and it is good that your are trying to figure out how to deal with it now.  You will have your ups and downs and how you handle your downs will guide your life and may influence how long a flare lasts.  I'm convinced self induced stress has extended my current flare.

It's hard to find people you can talk to and that understand.  My wife has been around for my entire experience with UC and she didn't realize what I was going through until she had some health problems that are still dogging her 1 1/2 years later.  You are right, how much time do you want to spend explaining your bodily functions to anyone.  That's what this forum is good for.


FPO steve
Joined Jun 27, 2008

Sun, July 20, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for True Blue.

Smoking cigarettes is bad for Crohn's and good for U.C. That's why so many people's flares correspond with when they try to quit. There's tons of studies out there. Smoke up Johnny!

FPO the andychrist
Joined Jul 14, 2008

Fri, July 18, 2008 9:41 PM

 Reply posted for Sue.

 HI David... I so understand! I really do. And yes you are right most med's cause problems.. And  things will get better. but for right now, it's just words.

 Read all you can about the cause and effect of the drugs, see what else you could do other than smoke. (sorry)

Hang in there, and when people say how sick you look, tell them "I feel better than YOU look"

best to ya


FPO geanie
Joined Mar 17, 2008

Fri, July 18, 2008 7:21 PM

 Reply posted for True Blue.

Hi David.  I have often felt like you do.  I'm 44 and was diagnosed 4 years ago.  What makes me feel better, believe it or not, is reading other peoples stories.  So many are worse than mine.  I have 2 daughters and I read of  parents' stories of their childrens illnesses.  If this was one of my daughters, I would so much wish it was me instead.  So, I got my wish and I'll have to deal with it.  Others write about doing things to make them happy (not necessarily getting high!), but  something physical or yoga...whatever.  I have yet to go there, but want to...  I'm busy with my girls and they are what keep me going.  My friends all tell me to take antidepressants which could certainly help, but I just don't want to rely on any more meds.  Once you are off the prednisone you'll feel better,that is such a nasty drug!  When I was in the hospital last year missing a huge milestone in my daughters's lives, one of the nurses in the hospital told me that at least the doctors had ways to help me.  Sometimes they say they're sorry, there's nothing they can do.  Best wishes and try to always remember things could always be worse.  Sue

FPO sue
Joined Jun 13, 2008

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