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What is YOUR height, weight, and disease activity?

Tue, August 05, 2008 9:06 PM

This is a curiousity thing. It's for people who have been diagnosed with IBD. My weight fluctuates quite a bit. Just wondering about everyone else's. This is for the present moment, but history is always welcome, but optional.

I understand for some it's not easy to talk about.

So I'll start:

I'm currently 5'4" and 146 lbs. I'm experiencing a mild to moderate flare (ranging, oddly, between 0 and 13 times a day).

The picture you see of me is one that was taken during a moderate to severe flare, wherein I was 5'4'' and 109 lbs. That's me at my smallest since diagnosis. (15-30 times a day)

At my largest I was 5'2'' and 158 lbs and constipated. (If I could have -0...)

Thanks to all who comply. There's no judgement here, like I said, I'm just wanting a general idea of what life is like for my fellow chronies & UC sufferers.   

Namaste, everyone. Stay strong.


FPO quarmla
Joined Jun 28, 2008

Fri, August 22, 2008 6:58 PM

 Reply posted for Quarmla.

I was diagnosed with Crohns at the end of May while having a pretty bad flare up.  (I lost track of how often I went to the bathroom, but I did considter redecorating it because I was in there so often)  Before my flare up I was 135 lbs (I'm 5' 5" btw) and then I droped to 118 over the course of 3 months.  I am up to 120 and maintaing that eventhough I eat as often as my 11 month old daughter some days.

FPO alisac
Joined Aug 22, 2008

Mon, August 18, 2008 2:09 PM

 Reply posted for Jdelgado81.

I was diagnosed 4 months ago, severe symptoms.......I am 35yrs. old, 5' and have weighed normally at 126-128 ( been a body-builder for 12 years) during that diagnosis I dropped 10 lbs in less than 2 weeks, I have since only gained 3 lbs back, but my training is a struggle do to chronic daily body, thus, I am getting depressed.  My weight has not really been an issue yet, since I am new to this disease, but I hope for the best for all of us.........

FPO femalen2iron2
Joined May 15, 2008

Sun, August 17, 2008 12:20 PM

 Reply posted for Quarmla.

I was diagnosed with UC in June.  I'm a little over 5'8" and "normally" weigh somewhere between 135-140.  

In May, at the start of this current flare (which I THINK would classify as moderate), I weighed more than I ever had --> 148.   In late June & early July I went down to 132 in a hurry (just over two weeks).  I'm now at 134 and still flaring, yippee!

A year and a half ago, before I was diagnosed, I had what I now suspect was a flare, again with rapid weight loss. That time I went from 145 to 122 before I was finally able to start gaining back.

My brother, who also has UC (diagnosed 4 years ago, but symptoms for at least 15 years), has ALWAYS had crazy weight fluctuations since he was a child.  I don't know his exact weight, but he's 6'4", gaunt, and has been for a couple of years now.

My sister also has times when she gains and drops weight rapidly.  I have some suspicions she also may be blessed with the family curse.

Interesting and useful thread, Carla!  And thanks also for your myofascial response --  right back at you.

Take care, everyone, and may you be well --

FPO mhart
Joined Jul 20, 2008

Fri, August 15, 2008 9:10 PM

 Reply posted for Quarmla.

Pre Crohn's I was about 155lbs. and i am only 5'6". During my one and only flare I dropped to 115 still 5'6". I am currently on Humira (miracle drug, as long as i dont expirence any of the wonderful side effects), and pentasa, I weigh 145lbs. I work out for 3hrs. a day and am very busy thankfully crohn's hasnt been controling my life lately. i hope this info has helped you

FPO wrknout247
Joined Aug 15, 2008

Thu, August 14, 2008 3:35 PM

 Reply posted for Quarmla.

It all started for me in 2002 with UC. I was 28, 215 lbs, 6'1 and at the time, pretty bad on my UC onset. For a year, I struggled hard and dropped 30 lbs but then went into remission for 5 years. Stayed about 200 lbs and was OK with it. But all good things come to an end, and in the early winter of 2008, my UC flared up again. Been dealing with it since as a prolonged flare up. I'm down to 181 again and starting Remicade treatment, which I am told is a good start to recovery. I hope so. I want to be back to where I was at 200 and feeling fit, not like a string bean! Good luck.



FPO jrv3071
Joined Aug 14, 2008

Tue, August 12, 2008 9:59 PM

 Reply posted for Jeff919.


I've heard a lot of people talking about how they'd like to gain weight. I thought I might suggest whey protein shakes. Whey digests quickly, so you can consume a lot of the stuff, and it's fiber-free. I just read that whey has cancer-fighting components and antioxidants and that it, besides being a good acidophilus base, may have a component which also battles disease. Even if the disease-battling part is baloney, whey proteins are universally considered to have the highest value of all food proteins and cover all of your amino acid needs.

I'm actually on the other end of the spectrum; I'm gaining weight rapidly, (40 pounds in 5 months) regardless of taking Metformin for weight control due to polycystic ovarian disease. So if anyone has any tips for weight loss with Crohn's, lol... I know it's less common than desiring weight gain, but, I figured I'd throw that out there.

To save some from redundancy, I do the whole "eat small meals 4-6 times a day," I take 10,000 steps at least, have 8 hours of sleep a night, and I drink 80 fluid ounces of non-caloric liquids. My daily calorie intake runs between 800 - 1,400... and still, I'm 22 and my arms are developing cellulite.

Thank you to all who have already replied and to all who will in the future,


FPO quarmla
Joined Jun 28, 2008

Tue, August 12, 2008 8:10 AM

 Reply posted for Quarmla.

Im glad that someone else is noticing and mentioning weight changes because that has easily been 1 of my most stressful problems to deal with. I was just diagnosed with Crohns Disease at the end of July but in under 2 months before i was diagnosed I lost 20 pounds.

Now Im a 22 year old male that is about 5 10 and i weighed out a approximately 145 and now i barely weigh 125. I find it to be depressing and discouraging how impossible it is to gain the weight back when i have so much trouble eating.

If anyone at all has any suggestions for me Im very open to anything right now and though my weight changes are less drastic I feel for you and wish you the best of luck.

I have been all over the internet looking for good foods and meals to cook for myslef that might be more filling or to help me gain weight with my eyes being so much bigger than my stomach at this point, anyone with suggestions, comments, or just needing to talk to someone in a like situation i have aim just comment me back to chat.

FPO jeff919
Joined Aug 8, 2008

Mon, August 11, 2008 11:12 PM

 Reply posted for Quarmla.

I'm a 36yo male, 5'9, 157lbs and currently flaring.  Worst symptoms since diagnosis in 2003 which for me is 2-4x per day, nothing but pure watery poo.  Sometimes blood.  Hence, why I'm trolling these forums looking to commiserate.

Peak weight was 160lbs within last 12 months.  Lowest was 140lbs when initially diagnosed.  Since getting it under control in 2003, I went to gym so weight gain comes from exercising and accompanying appetite.  Definitely put on some muscle but I also have a beer belly even though I don't drink.  Side effect of crohns i guess.




FPO fenway1971
Joined Aug 4, 2008

Mon, August 11, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Quarmla.


I was diagnosed in march of 2008.  I am 4'11 and weighted about 115-120lbs healthy weight before.  I have been in the hospital 3 times since I have been diagnosed.  I went down to 95 the first time in the hospital left the hospital and was down to 88 pounds.  the second time in the hospital I was 85lbs.  The third time I was in the hospital which was recently gained weight back to 100lbs then again lost it back to 89lbs sucks.  Im even on prednisone and haven't gained much weight.  I have trouble eatin and keepin it in u have that problem?  Or anyone else

FPO jdelgado81
Joined Aug 14, 2008

Fri, August 08, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Quarmla.

i'm 5'1" and my crohn's is moderate to severe all the time; i haven't been in remission yet since i got diagnosed when i was 18 (i'm now 22).

at my worst i was 100lbs a couple years ago and i was hospitalized for 2 weeks after that.

this year i hit probably 150lbs, but i was on 50mg of prednisone daily so i blew up like a balloon in no time.

usually i'm 125lbs, but i've been stuck on steroids since march so i have no clue where i'm at now.

FPO jezjiah13
Joined Sep 25, 2008

Thu, August 07, 2008 11:22 PM

 Reply posted for anastasia.

That's exactly what I was looking for, is inconsistency, as with your case, darling.

I don't get it, either... the weight gain with high disease activity.

I hope people only continue to post.

FPO quarmla
Joined Jun 28, 2008

Thu, August 07, 2008 10:11 PM

 Reply posted for Quarmla.

5'6  and 135 when healthy.

Diagnosed with UC 5 years ago. Lowest weight 120 having mild symptoms, pooping 5 or so times daily.

Currently 140 which is bizzare considering I'm just about the sickest I've been in the last 5 years, besides when diagnosed. Having accidents and going about 10 or more times a day, with blood.


FPO anastasia
Joined Jul 22, 2008

Thu, August 07, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Quarmla.

Ulcerative Colitis: diagnosed 1994 at age 14

Female.  Age 26  Average weight when healthy 120lbs.

currently I'm 5'5" and 90lbs.  after 5 months of a severe flare and a month in the hospital and then surgery.  I've only been home from the hospital for 2 days. 

This is my lowest weight.  My highest is at the same height and around 135lbs.  while not flaring.

FPO sara0226
Joined Aug 6, 2008

Thu, August 07, 2008 9:14 AM

 Reply posted for Quarmla.

I am 5 ft 3 and normally weigh in the 120's. I was around 112-114 at diagnosis. I got down to around 100-102 right before/just after surgery in May. Now I am back up to 114. **Went and saw the local GP because of a car accident-whiplash-that I hadn't seen in like 2 years + and he was shocked that I'd lost 18 lbs since I'd seen him last. This was right after my surgery so I was a "stick".  When I told him about the Crohn's he still seemed surprised. Shows you how misunderstood IBD is....

FPO mrcleanks
Joined Jul 8, 2008

Thu, August 07, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Quarmla.

In May I was 6-foot 175 pounds. For the first time in my life, it was actually all muscle (I was always a skinny kid). I had a wicked undiagnosed flare all the way through June and it dropped me to 145 lbs. After 6 weeks of prednisone I've managed to get back up to 162, but it's all in my gut. I haven't been able to work out, partly because of the pain of being in a flare, and partly because of the soreness that comes with the lack of sleep. I look really silly. I'm a super-scrawny dude with a big beer gut. Lucky for me, that's what women love:)

FPO the andychrist
Joined Jul 14, 2008

Wed, August 06, 2008 8:42 PM

 Reply posted for Quarmla.


I was diagnosed when I was 10 years old and now I am 43 years old,

My heaviest,  I was 5'2 and 145lbs

My Thinnest, I was 5'2 and 98lbs that was five years ago, really bad flare,

Present, I am 5'2 and 120 lbs and flaring,  I had a CT scan on friday and they say things look good for the Crohns, but I had to go see my Urologist as I have some really big kidney stones and have to have lithotripsy asap. They also found out which I new and told my doc that some of my medications are going through me whole.  Not good I asked him what good can they be doing if they are coming out the same way they go in.  He didn't answer me on that one yet.  Sorry I am rambling, just having a rough day. Thanks for listening.


FPO littlestar
Joined Jul 26, 2008

Wed, August 06, 2008 5:43 PM

 Reply posted for Quarmla.

Hey if we can't talk about it here where can we... right! LOL
Chron's disease, diagnosed 2001
Height: 5'4"; Female; Age: 36; Average weight when healthy-130 lbs.

Currently: 119 lbs.; Mild to moderate flare, with a recent biopsy done (Edioscopy, HIDA scan, blood work & ultrasound-all within a week-yeah) still awaiting results; stool history currently-4 to 5 every other day I try not eat much (hurts to much, y'all know how that goes)

Currently taking Entocort & Pentasa - wait & see what the results are to see if that changes. Just started the Entocort which seems to be helping the urgencies or your favorite word pooping situation.

FPO pam
Joined Apr 8, 2008

Wed, August 06, 2008 12:51 PM

 Reply posted for Quarmla.

I'm 5' 5", and when healthy I average between 120 and 125 lbs. Currently though, I'm suffering through a severe UC flare-up (at least a dozen BM's a day) and I have lost a considerable amount of weight. I weighed myself this morning at 95 lbs.

FPO geminisunset
Joined Aug 4, 2008

Wed, August 06, 2008 12:16 PM

 Reply posted for Quarmla.

5'7", 106lbs., male.  1-4 bm/day, some bad cramping still and some fatigue.  I'm too light, although I wasn't much above 112-15 when generally healthy.  Was 122 back in college, 20 years ago.

FPO epb
Joined May 13, 2008

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