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Miserable this morning, and just want to cry....

Wed, August 06, 2008 12:00 AM

I just need to vent in a place where people understand what I'm going through.... I was up all hours of the night last night going to and from the bathroom. I was crampy, cranky, sleepy, and annoyed. It didn't help matters that I had a fight with my boyfriend - fighting usually affects my gut anyways, whether or not I'm suffering a flare-up. So between that and not sleeping last night, and still feeling crampy this morning, I'm just miserable. I'm sitting at my cubical at work, but all I want to do is curl up into a ball and cry myself to sleep.

Tomorrow I start Remicade. But I imagine it's not going to be a miracle drug that makes me feel better overnight. I don't know how much more of this misery I can take. I prayed so hard this morning for the strength to get through the day today. I'm just so tired of being sick.

FPO geminisunset
Joined Aug 4, 2008

Wed, August 06, 2008 3:09 PM

 Reply posted for JNA.

Thank you both Mrcleanks and JNA for your replies. It's so comforting to know I am not alone and that others have been where I am. My day has gotten a little better, but not by much. I have an hour to go, and then as soon as I get home, I'll be taking a nap. And then tomorrow morning, I will be getting my first Remicade infusion. Normally I'd be nervous about a new drug, especially one so drastic. But I can't wait to get it started. Hearing other's success stories gives me a sense of hope.

Thanks again for your kind words and encouragements.

FPO geminisunset
Joined Aug 4, 2008

Wed, August 06, 2008 3:02 PM

 Reply posted for geminisunset.

Im so sorry that youre having a bad day... Ive been there and feel your pain! I remember sitting in my cubicle, staring at my computer, starving but in pain if I ate, tired beyond belief, unable to concentrate, and just waiting for it to be 5 oclock. If it makes you feel any better, you are not alone, and it WILL get better. Tomorrow is another day!

As far as the Remicade goes, I hope this helps brighten your day: When I first strated it, it worked like a charm within 48 hours or so. I was like a new person! I usually felt sluggish and sore the day after an infusion (always took Benadryl and Tylenol the next day), but by day two or three, I was bouncing off the walls and healthy as a horse. I never even really knew I was sick while on Remicade! Despite any reactions and complications that I had, it was totally, 100% worth it to be on it - it worked like a miracle drug.

Hope your day has gotten better... keep your chin up - there's hope for feeling better as long as theres a new drug to try!

FPO jna
Joined Jun 3, 2008

Wed, August 06, 2008 8:22 AM

 Reply posted for geminisunset.

I definately understand being "sick and tired of being sick and tired"!! Hopefully the remicade will help you. After my first infusion I did feel better-I actually had some energy for a change. The nurse that does my infusions told me she has seen some patients have great results. (My case is unusual because when I started it was remicade or surgery because I had a pretty damaged section of intestine. It ended up being beyond healing, the damage was done, so I still had surgery.) I know someone on remicade for arthritis and they are doing well. I did feel "fluish"that first day and the next but once that was gone, I did notice a difference. I really hope it works for you! I know it's hard to not get discouraged but try to hang in there. :)

FPO mrcleanks
Joined Jul 8, 2008

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