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Dehydration and malnutrition

Thu, August 14, 2008 12:00 AM

Hey All,

I was just wondering: from your guys's experience, when does it become obvious that you're dehydrated or malnurished enough to warrant a hospital stay? I don't think I'm at that point (because I feel like, if I can still move around and function and I'm not falling down dead, then I'm ok) but I'm starting to worry about the possibility of getting severly dehydrated and not recognizing it. Also, the fear of eating (due to the complications of pain, incontinence and tenesmus) has made it very difficult to eat. I've still got some appetite, but I'm afraid to eat more than a few bites of food. I've been avoiding eating too many vegetables because they just don't digest, I haven't been eating red meat and I've been keeping my diet as bland as possible to avoid any complications. I've bought some Pedialyte and am trying to work my way through weight loss is averaging about 2-3 lbs a day and this week I'm down about 8 or 9 lbs (which actually isn't too bad for this flare, since last time I dropped 10 lbs in 2 days).

Anyways, when should I be concerned about severe dehydration and malnutrition and what are some signs or symptoms I should watch out for?


FPO moogan83
Joined Aug 12, 2008

Mon, August 25, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Moogan83.

Thanks for the replies! At this point, I think I'm going to wait it out a little bit. I don't think I'm in terrible enough shape to warrant a trip to the ER (plus, the wait times in the hospitals up here is just stupid). I'm just trying ingest as much as I possibly can (only sometimes doesn't it feel like you're trying to keep a pasta strainer full? Everything just goes straight through) and wait.

But if I walk into the ER and request a fluid drip they won't give me a hard time about it? Hmmm, I never thought to just walk in and ask for an IV...'cuz I KNOW there have been a few times when I SHOULD have done that!

Thanks again!

FPO moogan83
Joined Aug 12, 2008

Sun, August 24, 2008 10:53 PM

 Reply posted for Moogan83.

HI, sorry to hear your feeling so awful, I live around atlanta GA and have realized that over the years gastros dont really like to put people in just for flare up anymore , so I go to the ER and blantly request a bag or 2 of fluids and that makes me feel so muh better, nothing like some good cool fluids when it hits your veins (HEHE),simply tell them your problem, I have NEVER had one refuse me. Plus if your feeling this bad you need immediate medical attention.

FPO steph821
Joined Aug 24, 2008

Fri, August 15, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for KarenJ.

its always the hardest question to answer. I have been through it so many times that I know if I have time to drive to the ER myself. I can feel when my limbs are going numb etc..I waited way to long last year and lost about 1/3rd of my blood in 14 seconds as I was walking through the ER door, that was horrible.

You just cant ignore it and hope it will go away, it has never ever ever worked out that way unfortunately. I say go in, get some fluids and figure out a plan so it doesn't happen again.

FPO ryencool
Joined Aug 13, 2008

Fri, August 15, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Moogan83.

I would be concerned now. I waited too long to go to the hospital and I was in bad shape. I would go and if you are not as bad off as it sounds like you are they will send you home. It's better to be safe than sorry! I wish you the best.

FPO karenj
Joined Jun 25, 2008

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