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Unintentional Anorexia

Sun, August 17, 2008 7:27 PM

I have lived with Crohn's now for over 10 yrs and have been in relative "remission" on Remicade for the past 8 yrs.  I am in graduate school and just starting a new relationship after a divorce a year ago and so I am needless to say under a lot of stress on a daily basis!  I wonder what other IBD patient's experience is with just generally having no desire to eat on a fairly regular basis?  Lately I am so busy with school and generally so stressed that eating tends to just make me feel worse b/c I still do get some pain and symptoms even with my realtive control under REmicade treatment.  I have in the last several dropped quite a bit of weight and I am trying to make myself eat as much as possible even though I have no desire too!  I just wondered if others have this experience and if anyone has any other suggestions how to avoid/help this.  I know I get myself into a vicious cycle- b/c once I stop eating much regularly I "feel better" and have less pain so then I really don't want to eat!!  Help- I am frustrated and do not want to get sick again!


FPO schultz351
Joined Aug 17, 2008

Mon, August 25, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for schultz351.

Hi there,

Know how you feel! Sometimes the very idea of eating just send me in a panic and makes me nauseous. Here's some of the things I found help a little:

  • eat very small portions several times throughout the day
  • avoid highly fiberous vegetables and fruits
  • drink lots of water or fruit juice (not from concentrate, low in sugar kinds)
  • (It sounds weird) but try baby foods: they're easier to digest and tend not to have a lot of preservatives
  • Soup is a life saver at times (I practically live on it when I'm at my worst), especially broth based soups or pureed kinds (try the French Canadian style split yellow pea soup)
  • I like to drink green tea when I need something warm in my tummy when I'm not able to eat anything
  • Try warm malted drinks, like Ovaltine
  • Sometimes anything bland will do: rice, plain pasta with a little butter, plain mashed potatoes

Hope that helps! I talked to my Doctor about this and the fear of eating and he says that, unfortunately, we just have to test things out to find something that works for us because IBD can be so different for everybody. But we HAVE to eat, so just try your best. And I really do highly recommend just eating little bits here and there. It seems to help, and because I have incontinence too, it seems to lessen my chances of having an accident if there isn't as much there...

FPO moogan83
Joined Aug 12, 2008

Tue, August 19, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for schultz351.

Chron's here, probly had it since a young age diagnosed 10 years ago. I can relate at times well a lot of times I have to force myself to eat even the tiniest bit of food because you need to. I know the end result to that and I feel full after a couple bits. Found smoothies helpful with protein powder in it. But sugar they say is a problem, so try rice, pasta, i eat ground turkey or ground chicken for protein cook it up on the weekend and season lightly, I live on bread, I don't have problems with dairy so I eat cheese. Smaller meals well more so snacks work for me. I don't ever feel hunger but when I can, I eat a little bit. Baked potatoes or instant from a box. Try some kind of meat for protein though or get a good protein powder to add to your food. Good luck. You are not alone in feeling this way!! Take care.

FPO pam
Joined Apr 8, 2008

Mon, August 18, 2008 7:47 PM

 Reply posted for epb.


Having been the one to suggest Ensure in the first place, I guess I should clarify that I don't consider it an ideal nutritional source.  It does seem highly processed and has a fair amount of sugar (though less than most yogurts).  I try to limit it to times when I really struggle to get anything down, or when I'm away from home and there's nothing else available.

It's just so important, for me at least, to keep eating something; otherwise, my appetite seems to get worse and worse.


FPO mhart
Joined Jul 20, 2008

Mon, August 18, 2008 1:26 PM

 Reply posted for Sarah.

I can relate, but it's important to get proper nutrition.  (Your relationship should be a source of joy, not stress.)

Ensure seems great because it's such an easy source of calories, but all that sugar and other ingredients seem unhealthy to me.  Can anyone comment on this?

FPO epb
Joined May 13, 2008

Mon, August 18, 2008 10:33 AM

 Reply posted for schultz351.

I  also go through cycles where I feel sick even looking at food at its a battle to make myslef eat. I also find that having small snacks like crackers helps and drinking ensure helps as well because it's a small drink but fills you up some so you don't feel so run down and tired.

FPO sarah
Joined Mar 7, 2008

Sun, August 17, 2008 9:34 PM

 Reply posted for schultz351.

You're not alone on this.  Just last month I had a week where I had to choke food down (meanwhile losing a pound a day), and for the first time since then, today I've been fighting lack of appetite. 

The key for me is to always have a few comfort foods on hand -- things I can prepare quickly, and that generally go down easily even if I'm nauseous or downright revolted by food.  Eating small, frequent meals helps, too; the more I manage to eat, the easier it seems to get.  I'm also always trying to find foods that give you a lot of bang for the buck in terms of calories and overall nutrition.  Finally, I am not a breakfast person, but I really do better when I eat at least some breakfast.

Some foods that work for me are:

-- yogurt (live-culture, cream-on-top full-fat, like Brown Cow)
-- tapioca or rice pudding (Kozy Shack at least has calcium !)
-- macaroni and cheese
-- tuna fish
-- avocado (a real lifesaver nutritionally)
-- brewer's yeast on toast
-- Ensure (easy to throw in your handbag)
-- hard-boiled egg
-- bland cold cereal (like Cheerios) with milk
-- crackers like Triscuits (carry them with you)

It also helps me to drink a lot of fizzy water; somehow it settles my stomach.

This can be such a vicious cycle, I know.  I wish you all the best!

Take good care,


FPO mhart
Joined Jul 20, 2008

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