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A Rant/ Misunderstandings?

Thu, November 14, 2019 2:57 AM

I was diagnosed with moderate to severe Crohn's Disease with Colitis about 2-3 months ago at the age of 19. Unfortunately, in my short time with meds so far, I have had nothing but terrible reactions to the point where I quite literally felt as though I was dying, and have to continue my search for insurance approved meds (not many) or restart the ones that made me terribly sick. As a result from the med related school absences and absences from my Crohn's in general, I have reached/ exceded all of my college's absent limits and am currently waiting to see if my teachers will give up on me and flunk me out or find a way to be a little more accomidating given the circumstances. I am working with my school's disability offices, but they don't seem to be able to provide me with much help and one of my teachers definitely does not understand my condition... Might I make a note here, any sort of IBD is not something regarding a personal life, to quote the professor "we all have stuff going on in our personal lives", and it is something that does not follow time schedules. I would love to be able to better explain this to them, but I don't know of any way to get my message across, and even if I did, I probably have some sort of class grade penalty. Has anyone been through anything like this? Is there a better way to efficiently convey the effect of having Crohn's??? Anyway, thank you for letting me rant... Nothing personal against the professor, just lack of understanding.

FPO KimberlyLynn
Joined Jan 9, 2020

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