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BM during the night - Experiences

Fri, January 10, 2020 7:45 AM

Hey everyone

After being a passive reader for quite some time, I decided it's time to join the community by being a part of it. 

First off, we're all fighting our own battles so stay strong and focus on your blessings. 

Long story short, I got my j-pouch some 40 days ago and have had my ups and down. To skip through my journey, I would simply like to hear whether j-pouchers can go through the night without going to the toilet. Or at least keep it at once a night.

I tried imodium, which didn't seem to have an effect.
I tried husk once, which may have helped but it made the stool so consistent that it hurt (due to analfissure).
I tried going 5 hours without eating/drinking pror to going to bed and still I had to go 3-4 times. 
I'm staying away from caffeine, juices, fruits, veggies, nuts, chocolate.

I would love to hear how people around here are doing and how they've progressed since surgery.

All the best.

FPO makaveli
Joined Jan 10, 2020

Mon, January 20, 2020 7:14 AM

Reply posted for makaveli.

Hi I've str ted taking imodium plus before bed . I can get a good 6 7 hours kip . Once I'm up though I have 3/4 trips to the bathroom over and hour or so . But it's better then than during the night !! I know everyone is different obviously bit worth a try the other imodiums didn't seem to make much of a difference. Seems to help with during the day as well I can eat a meal with out sprinting to the bathroom . All the best :)

FPO mixy11
Joined Nov 5, 2018

Wed, January 15, 2020 4:17 PM

Reply posted for makaveli.

Hi I'm worse at night as soon as I go to sleep every 2 hours I wake up and run to bathroom . Usually just to pass gas . Not sure if it's just the worry of it being something else lol . I can go during the day some days anyway were I feel good just have bm 3/4 times . I took 2 imodium the other night before bed and slept 6 hours straight but obviously don't want to reley on imodium just so I can sleep but I'm currently on no medicine at all gor my collitus as everything they gI've me doesn't agree with me . Anyway if you figure the secret let me know please :)

FPO mixy11
Joined Nov 5, 2018

Fri, January 10, 2020 10:21 AM

Reply posted for makaveli.

Try tincture of opium.  I’ve had a j pouch since ‘03. It works well for the most part, but they have removed so many muscles down there you’ll never have complete control.  Try using some panty liners at night. That helps a lot .

FPO charbs
Joined Oct 31, 2016

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