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After a year...

Mon, July 17, 2023 4:33 PM

Hi , I'm L and I have been diagnosed with severe Ulcerative Colities for a year now. I was diagnosed at 19. This year has been hell nonetheless. I had to take a break from college and change my whole life plans due to my illness. The way I eat, what I do, what I am studying for, & so forth. Stress makes my condition worse alongside other extreme physical acitvites. So the career I was shooting for is now out the picture. But don't worry I am on the path of figuring it out. It has affected my view on relationships, health, mental health, & how I am suppose to deal with this for the rest of my life which as seemingly just started. 

If I am honest, first few months of my symtoms and being freshly diangosed I was severely depressed. Me and my family have been trying to cope with it. Even now they still sometimes forget that I can't do or eat certain things. 

I had to grieve how my body was before I was sick. Lowkey still in the process of grieving but ultimately I know that I can't change my past or diangosis. 

Going through what we go through is not easy. Its stressful, painful, a bother & trouble some. Its also hard to communicate that to family, friends or strangers who don't understand your needs or how you are feeling. But just know you all are not alone. Despite the loneliness, pain, blood, and tears, there is people like us, me and you, who can understand. 

It took me awhile to accept my dianoses and to come onto a forum of those who deal with similar illnesses like mine but I am here now and I am open to be an ear, a chat or a guide to anyone. 

I also am open to ANY AND ALL TIPS AND TRICKS. Let me know how you guys are doing and what is helping your UC. 

P.S. sorry my grammar might be off LOL

FPO justL
Joined Jul 17, 2023

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